Awaiting reviewer assignment example. But today suddenly the status changed back to .

Awaiting reviewer assignment example Reviewers invited 编辑邀请审稿人进行审稿。有时该过程会持续很长时间,状态可能会变成Pending Review。如果其中原因是编辑一直没有找到合适的审稿人,这时投稿者可以向编辑推荐审稿人。2. Via the Associate Editor Dashboard, click on the “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” queue. 15-6. Is it possible to get a desk reject after the "awaiting reviewer selection" stage? 2月28日开始awaiting reviewers score,中间select了两轮审稿人;5月初发邮件催了一下状态,没有回复,但几天后变成了awaiting recommendation; 3天后变成awaiting decision,同时收到一封邮件告知很快会有主编决定;第二天早上5点收到主编邮件,3个审稿人 Sep 20, 2017 · I submitted my revised manuscript to a mathematical journal since 12-04-2017. I have not had any news about it since. Other journals take around two months from submission to the first review comments At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". Awaiting Reviewer Assignment; 07 Mar. S. So, your manuscript is awaiting a final decision. Let’s take them one by one. How to Survive Peer Review 2 *Godlee F, Jefferson T (eds) Peer review in health sciences We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 10号显示awaiting reviewer assignment 之后应该是awaiting reviewer scores,但14天后2. – Parnian. I contacted the journal several times, but there was no reply. Dec 14, 2022 · 于是我就推荐了2个人选,编辑说发给负责我文章的责任编辑了。现在又一个星期过去,据我投稿已经整整2个月了,文章状态还是awaiting reviewer assignment。这是reviewer都找不齐,真是心急如焚,都要毕不了业了。。。想问大家,我现在还能怎么办呢? May 28, 2024 · 最令人困惑的情况之一就是手稿的状态 从 "Under Review" 变为 "Reviewers Assigned",这让作者质疑这一转变背后的含义。 手稿状态的变化 尽管同行评审可能是一个耗时数月的过程,但作者们都渴望了解他们手稿的最新状态。 Dec 16, 2011 · 一篇临床的文章投了BJO,是上个月月底投的,已经半个多月,状态一直是你"Awaiting SE Assignment" 。期间有过这样的状况:初次投稿时,由于格式问题第二天就被退回来过,然后是改了两天之后重新投过去的。按说BJO Oct 30, 2024 · awaiting reviewer scores啥意思,要等多久呢在学术界,尤其是SCI期刊投稿过程中,你可能会遇到“awaiting reviewer scores”的阶段。此阶段意指你的论文已邀请至少两位同行专家进行外部评审。评审期限通常为1至2个 Oct 17, 2024 · Awaiting Editor Assignment: Multiple editors may be assigned to your submission, depending on the journal's workflow. Today, the status changed to Awaiting Decision. 07. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. 26, awaiting reviewer scores. During the peer-review process, submitted articles are assessed by a panel of experts, known as reviewers, who evaluate the competence, importance and Aug 28, 2024 · 接下来,进入邀请审稿人阶段,状态为 “Awaiting Reviewer Selection”,即编辑部正在筛选合适的专家对稿件进行评审。随后,稿件将被分配给指定的审稿人,此时的状态变为 “Awaiting Reviewer assignment”。审稿过程完成后,稿件将被发送给审稿人进行评分与 Nov 13, 2018 · 直到现在(5月23日),就一直是Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 。 唉,我该怎么办呢? 编辑不会彻底忘了吧? 赞 一下 回复此楼 2楼 2022-05-23 20:17:54 已阅 回复此楼 关注TA 给TA发消息 送TA红花 TA的回帖 zbking 铁杆木虫 2. But today suddenly the status changed back to Jan 29, 2015 · 这种情况下,编辑必须要重新寻找审稿人然后邀请审稿,这也是为什么状态会重新变成“Awaiting Reviewer Selection ”,一旦编辑找到适合的审稿人之后,状态就会再更新。 Editage Insights Answered by 10 Jun, 2019 Aon Upvote this Answer 16 文章 答疑论坛 活动 Feb 25, 2015 · 我于不久前于bib(briefings in bioinformatics)投稿,投稿系统为scholarone(manuscriptcentral),投稿后经历了Awaiting Editor Assignment,Awaiting Reviewer Selection, 并于5天前变成了Awaiting Reviewer Assignment,结果今天一看已经变成 Mar 8, 2017 · “AwaitingReviewer Invitation”是副编辑已经找到评审员但在等待评审员接受评审邀请。一旦评审员接受邀请,状态就会变成“under review”。但是你的状态又变回到“awaiting reviewer assignment“,这确实说明之前邀请的的审稿人可能拒绝审稿,编辑只能继续 Jan 23, 2023 · reviewers to comply with the number of reviews required to make a decision, it will return to the Select Reviewers Queue. Now, the status has changed to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores. 1 awaiting decision 9. The first read is used to form an initial impression of the work. Awaiting Reviewer Invitation: awaiting reviewer assignment和selection-awaiting reviewer aHale Waihona Puke Baidusignment和selectionawaiting reviewer assignment和selection :正在等待评审员分配和选择 首页 文档 视频 音频 文集 文档 公司财报 高校与高等教育 Dec 26, 2012 · 大家好。。。我的第一篇SCI,初审还算顺利,两个审稿人提的问题也没啥大的,现在修改稿已经Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 8天了,初稿Awaiting Reviewer Assignment只过2天就awaiting reviewer scores了,为什么修改稿比初稿还慢呢?不是修改稿直接给原来 Dec 23, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读7. Click on “Take Action. There is no need for anonymising the manuscript upon Apr 3, 2022 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: 9-May-2021,等待分派审稿人,据说专家一周会回复是否愿意审稿。 Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 14-May-2021,等待专家审稿意见,据说要求三周内回复意见,但是专家可以致信编辑要求延长时间,所以还是取决于专家审稿速度,网传有四个月之 Nov 5, 2010 · 我之前投Communications Letters的文章,开始被拒了,但是说可以重投最近修改了之后重投了,等了好久之后终于状态变成under review了,但是今天发现状态又变回Awaiting Reviewer Assignment了,这说明什么?不知道是好事还是坏事。 Jul 23, 2015 · 2. Although only 2 reviews are required, please assign reviewers until 4 reviewers agree to review. Click on “View Submission” to view the paper. 2020. What does it mean? Have the reviewers started working on my manuscript yet?. Awaiting AE Decision; 21 May. The review process is fast, hoping for a good result. I took this to mean that the paper has passed the desk review, since the editor is selecting reviewers. 06. 2 Reject (Resubmission Allowed) 关于wireless commun. Meaning of ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment’ This means that your manuscript has cleared the admin check, that is, it was found matching the journal’s scope and also adhering to the journal’s guidelines, apart from a cursory check of the novelty and quality of the study. The journal says on average they take 30 days to make a decision on a paper. 3 投稿 8. Jan 12, 2022 · 没想到二审的过程依然不顺利,提交修改稿后十天左右,审稿状态到Awaiting AE Recommendation,过了几天又回到了Awaiting Reviewer Scores。 今天早晨一睁眼还是先在手机上登陆网页看看进展,看到终于回到AE那了,但是仅仅半天之后,下午从电脑上再刷状态,发现又回变成了Awaiting Reviewer Scores 我都怀疑是不是 Jan 29, 2018 · 我只知道awaiting reviewer assignment是等待送审,请问大家这 reviewer assignment 代表什么状态?是在编辑手里还是已经送审了?送审的话我格式修正发回去接着就送出去了?回复 点赞 收藏 邀请讨论 全部讨论 ( 0) 热度 最新 Jan 19, 2006 · 去年5月份投稿,一个德国期刊,因子1. 12. Pre-Review Discussions: This panel allows the editor to communicate with the author, or with others on the editorial team. Resubmitted; 06 May. 0 | 投稿命中率:75. 30 Reject (Resubmission Allowed) 2023. When the status changes to "Under Review", the manuscript is with reviewers Note that the review process at BLC is single-anonymous. docx The numeric number corresponds with the manuscript number of assignment. So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. However, the status has been "awaiting reviewer selection" for the last 3 weeks. Awaiting Editor Assignment - ready to be sent to an appropriate editor. 04 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023. The editing and processing are very fast, but it was delayed by myself for After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Awaiting Reviewer Scores; 16 Mar. 09 Under review The EiC/EC makes the final decision on the manuscript. I don't know what this means and why it is taking so long. awaiting reviewer scores--等待审稿人审稿意见(也就是under review)。一般要求审稿人三周内给审稿意见,个别杂 Aug 16, 2024 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Potential reviewers have been identified, and the editor is in the process of assigning them to review your manuscript. 0 偏重的研究方向:糖尿 May 19, 2024 · 2020. "Awaiting reviewer invitation" should strictly be a very brief status, since the time between the editor deciding to invite reviewers and the editor actually inviting reviewers should be very brief, on the order of a few minutes. Dec 17, 2013 · 文章投递到journal of general psychology, 现在是二审阶段。稿件的状态是awaiting reviewer selection,这是什么意思啊?已经提交修改稿有近一个月的时间了。 前两个状态是awaiting reviewer invitation和awaiting reviewer assignment,现在应该是第三个 Dec 22, 2024 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 一个多月了,要不要写信催一下? 已经有5人回复 论文审了两个多月后状态怎么又变成Awaiting Reviewer Assignment了呢? 已经有5人回复 论文大修后为什么又变为Awaiting Reviewer Assignment Apr 12, 2024 · 如果变为了 awaiting reviewer assignment ,那就是之前邀请的审稿人拒绝审稿,编辑只能重新再找审稿人并发出邀请。 这其实不是什么奇怪的事情。之前审稿人有可能现在因为有其他的事情,没有时间来继续给你审稿。那么所以编辑只能再去邀请新的 Jan 4, 2020 · 2019-12-28投了一篇Meta分析的文章,现在投稿界面上的状态显示Awaiting AE Assignment 和 Awaiting Second Opinion两个,看了之前的帖子有人说这是第二个编辑在决定要不要送外审,还有人说是等待第二个审稿人的意见,不知道到底什么意思,身边 Mar 2, 2014 · 今年重新再来,这一篇文章2月26号投出,前两天一直是awaiting reviewer selection,今天变成了awaiting reviewer assignment ,说明已经确定送外审了?还是会像上次一样,直接拒绝?投稿系统为manuscriptcentral!回复 点赞 收藏 邀请讨论 全部讨论 ( 0) 热度 Jun 2, 2016 · 投的 protein&cell, 前面editor 发邮件说请了10个reviewer,一直没找到答应审稿的,让我们帮着推荐审稿人。我们推荐了6位审稿人,然后隔了一天状态变成awaiting reviewer assignment。应该是向审稿人发出了邀请,审稿人没有回复吧。不知道该怎么办?比较 在稿件进入到与审稿人有关的Selection/Invitation/Assignment/Awaiting Reviewer Score阶段 我们能够在稿件中看到如下这个Set My Search Jul 19, 2017 · 可是过了3天又从under review 变回了awaiting reviewer assignment。又等了将近一个月,7月8、9号发邮件询问,这次编辑回信说找到一个reviewer,可是另一个还没找到。于是我就推荐了2个人选,编辑说发给负责我文章的责任编辑了。 Jun 28, 2023 · JAP两个月了,换了三四次状态,还是Reviewer Assignment Started ReviewerInvitation(s)Sent16-Nov-201620:44:09PotentialReviewersSelected16-Nov-201620:44:04ReviewerAssignmentStarted12-Nov-201600:21:49AdditionalReviewersNeeded Jan 29, 2015 · 文章投了一个月了,前几天还是 Under Review,最近一查变成Awaiting Reviewer Selection ,什么意思,求解? Editage Insights 于 2015年01月29日 提问 我来回答 关注该问题 分享 写答案 关于文本格式 1 人回答这个问题 回答: 这很有可能是有几位专家 2023/07/16 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023/07/23 Accept; Complete Final File Updates Neurobiology of Disease IF: 6. Awaiting Reviewer Selection - assigned to an editor, and waiting PLOS Biology editors select potential reviewers based on their expertise in research areas relevant to the manuscript under consideration. Otherwise, they will read the paper several more times, taking notes to build a detailed point-by Oct 5, 2013 · 谢谢你,我的状态已经改过3次了,第一次是Awaiting AE assignment,第二次是Awaiting editor assignment,这一次是Awaiting ME Recommendation 。给解释一下吧,呵呵 赞 一下 回复此楼 3楼 2011-01-17 10:16:59 已阅 回复此楼 关注TA 给TA发消息 送TA红花 Jun 26, 2020 · One of them got accepted within 10 days, but the status for the other one has been "Awaiting AE assignment" for 15 days now. Thus, seemingly, the review process ended only for a second one to be initiated by the EA just days later. 0 偏重的研究方向:心血管临床方向 经验分享:21年8. 14, awaiting reviewer selection. 9, awaiting reviewer assignment. 20, awaiting reviewer scores, should be under review. Can you tell me what sort of time frame to keep in mind as I am awaiting news of my submission? Thank you very much. 1k次。最近投稿了一篇AGU:Geophysical Research Letters上的期刊,发现在Waiting for Associate Editor Assignment这里卡了好几天,后面发现是文章已经送到编辑手上在审稿了,只需要仅仅等待就好。编辑的邮件回复很友好,希望各位 Dec 11, 2024 · awaiting reviewer assignment 是已经在审了,还是在找审稿人 如题 小呀小 2021-07-22 01:54 论文道贺祈福 投稿半年仍是“Awaiting Reviewer Assignment” 去年8月投了一篇文章到计算机数据库领域2区的期刊,半年多了,至今状态仍是 Feb 18, 2022 · It’s quite common for editors to select a lot of reviewers, but only invite a few at a time. Okay, it has been sent for review again. 10 U. Dec 12, 2019 · The number of times your manuscript status has changed to ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and then back to ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ reflects the challenge the editor is having in getting the requisite number of Jan 21, 2011 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 在寻找审稿人 表明责任编辑还没有找到审稿专家,或者是找到审稿专家了,但是某个个专家由于一些原因没时间或者不愿意审稿,责任编辑需要再找另外的审稿专家。这种情况下,需要耐心等待。现在很多的SCI稿子审稿工作 Nov 18, 2012 · 我11月6号投Gut,当天变成editor in process,然后是awating reviewer selection到awaiting reviewer assignment,assignme 首页 全部版块 去发帖 登录 / 去注册 丁香园论坛 论文写作投稿 外文杂志投稿交流 帖子详情 【交流】Gut投稿后12天都是awaiting reviewer May 26, 2022 · 1. --我的理解是: under review是审稿的前面阶段, Awaiting Reviewer Scores 是审稿的后面阶段,表示审稿即将结束. § 3583 gives the "Requirement of exemplary conduct"* which is basically the "make sure they didn't do anything that's going to bite us in the hindquarter" step. Does it mean the work will be The editors are reading it and checking their reviewer list. Under review/Awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿人返回评审意见 under review 后面awaiting reviewer assignment-在多数论文审稿流程中,“awaiting reviewer assignment”这个状态不算是一个令人头痛的问题。 大多数情况下,抱着宽容的心态和耐心的态度,理解审稿流程和时间,等待相应的审稿人去处理该稿件,对于投稿人来说是最为重要 Aug 5, 2015 · 近期一直在投稿,也是ScholarOne 系统,我个人过程如下 1 Awaiting Admin Processing 2天 2 Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2 天 3 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 25天 4 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 34天(major revision) 5 3周后修回 6 Awaiting Admin Processing 2天 7 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 7天 8 Awaiting ED Recommendation 14 9 Awaiting CE Desicion ( Nov 22, 2021 · 5月25投了sage的一家杂志,6月10号状态变为awaiting reviewer selection,6月17号状态变为awaiting reviewer assignment ,就在满怀期待的以为终于要送审的时候(因为之前被秒拒了7,8家杂志),6月22日又变回了awaiting reviewer selection 然后就一直持续到 Apr 12, 2024 · 如果变为了 awaiting reviewer assignment ,那就是之前邀请的审稿人拒绝审稿,编辑只能重新再找审稿人并发出邀请。 这其实不是什么奇怪的事情。之前审稿人有可能现在因为有其他的事情,没有时间来继续给你审稿。那么所以编辑只能再去邀请新的 Nov 4, 2013 · 投出去半个月了,昨天看还是Awaiting Reviewer Assignment,现在变成Awaiting Reviewer Invitation,这是什么意思啊?“AwaitingReviewer Assignment”是指副编辑还没找到的评审员,“AwaitingReviewer Invitation”应该是副编辑已经找到评审员但在等待评审 My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. 12 under review (审稿人审稿) 9. This is a placeholder queue that does not require Mar 5, 2019 · The status changes to "awaiting reviewer assignment" when the editor has selected reviewers for your paper and has sent out review invitations. Another significant ethical consideration is the transparency and explainability of AI decision-making processes. However, after a few days, I got a desk reject notification. Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for Mar 1, 2022 · Awaiting reviewer selected 和Awaiting reviewer assigned的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。 一、指代不同 1、Awaiting reviewer selected:正在等待选定的审阅者。 Nov 1, 2024 · IEEE期刊返稿过程中,一旦需要审稿人进行审稿,稿件状态便会显示为"Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" 。此状态的持续时间,受到负责编辑的工作效率与审稿人回复速度的影响。快速情况下,可能在3-4个工作日内结束,而缓慢时则可能需要1-2个月。若情况 Feb 26, 2021 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment means the journal editor has started reaching out to potential reviewers for your manuscript. For most manuscripts, in the Feb 17, 2022 · Awaiting Reviewer selection和Awaiting Reviewer Assignment都是指正在寻找或指定reviewers 。该过程是审稿一审阶段最耗时、最费编辑精力的事情。 1. Assign new reviewers if some 2023. C. 4 awaiting reviewer assignment 8. the other one move from AE assignment to reviewer selection pretty fast, like in 5 days. Nov 15, 2024 · 11. 2, the assignment result of reviewers to papers determines the expertise of the reviewer who will review the paper, hence it is the crucial step in the whole peer review process. The reason this status took three weeks is probably because finding suitable reviewers can be a May 6, 2020 · 请问在scholarone投稿系统里是不是没有under review的状态? 三月投稿,四月大修,中途没见过under Review的状态。 目前修改稿上传两个星期了,一直显示awaiting reviewer assignment,请问有经验的同学知道是怎么回事吗? Oct 28, 2024 · 在收到足够数量的外审意见后,状态转为Awaiting Reviewer Scores。这一过程可能会耗时几周至几个月,取决于不同期刊的要求。 随后,状态变为Awaiting AE Recommendation。此时,副主编需要结合外审专家意见,形成推荐结论。这一过程通常需要3周内 Jun 22, 2011 · 经过 Under review 3天,进入Awaiting reviewer assignment。 本来接下来应该是Awaiting reviewer scores 这个状态。 但今天发现,状态再次变为 Under review。 请达人告知,这可能是什么原因造成的?找不到审稿人么? 谢谢。。。。 返回小木虫查看更多 Sep 24, 2024 · awaiting reviewer assignment是许多项目管理和代码审核系统中常见的状态提示。 它表示某项任务或代码提交正在等待有权限的审稿人进行审查或评估。 这种状态的出现在多个环节中都可能出现,比如在软件开发中的代码审核阶段或者项目管理中的任务分配阶段。 Jun 26, 2023 · The peer-review system is widely regarded as the primary means of ensuring the quality of scientific publications [] and has the potential to enhance the rigour of research in the academic community []. After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. 24号又变回了under review Jan 23, 2019 · 请问大家, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 状态一直是Awaiting TE Assignment, 这是什么意思?就是还没有送审吗? 一般这个状态会维持过久? 谢谢大家。 返回小木虫查看更多 如果通过了内审,变成Awaiting reviewer assignment,然后Awaiting reviewer score,送外审,这一阶段一般是一个月左右。 第一次修回是投稿一个月后,major revision, 有3个reviewer,给了很多意见,还要补实验,给了3个月的时间修改,再次投稿后又等了一个月,回来的意见是further revision,只给了一个月去改。 2022年8月27日 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2022年8月31日 Under review 2022年9月13日 Awaiting Decision 2022年9月14日 Accept 可参考链接:IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) 投稿状态记录:: Cc的思维矩阵 关注 关注 点赞 踩 Sep 1, 2022 · As can be inferred from Fig. LTC (Join to see), when your packet is in "post screening review", you are in the "exemplary conduct" phase. Awaiting EIC decision must have appeared after the first status while you did not check your status! It Appearing after short interval of awaiting reviewer assignment clearly means that associate editors have advised against it! Now the EIC has to make decision. 3. I also told them that “if it takes longer or they do not respond, I consider withdrawing and resubmitting the manuscript to another journal”. Commented Jun 26 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 半个月了,还有没有动静 109 3 展开3条回复 2022-03-04 147c2ba4m98暂无昵称 审稿速度:6. It depends on whether the editor invites new reviewers. Sincerely, (full name) It's an example, you don't have to stick to this phrasing or structure. Since then, the article has been jumping between "Waiting for Reviewer Assignment" and "Contacting Potential Reviewers" (10 changes of status now). Awaiting Reviewer Selection Dec 27, 2024 · 您好,您投稿CCS chemistry都显示有哪些过程呢?我投稿快两个月了,一直卡在“awaiting reviewer assignment”阶段,之前一直是ADM: HAOLINXIAO,近两天变成了ADM: ZHOUSUKUN,一直卡在这个阶段是什么情况呢? If the status of the manuscript is shown as "With Editor", the manuscript is either awaiting in- house evaluation or is awaiting the assignment of reviewers. If major problems are found at this stage, the reviewer may feel comfortable rejecting the paper without further work. After about a month, the status switched from "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" to "Awaiting recommendation". For example, to ask the author for The status of your "submitted manuscripts" is indicated by one the following stages: With Editorial Office - successfully submitted and ready to be checked by the Editorial Office. Some reviewers do not perform. 01 Under review 2023. The article is quite technical and multidisciplinary, so I understand that May 25, 2016 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 责编向选定的审稿专家发送审稿邀请 来回变动2次的原因是邀请的审稿专家有人拒绝审稿,责编不得不重新拟定专家名单。 这个期刊的投稿指 Dec 12, 2019 · The number of times your manuscript status has changed to ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and then back to ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ reflects the challenge the editor is having in getting the requisite number of Feb 26, 2017 · 麻烦请问各位前辈,年前往Pediatric Dermatology投了篇case report,现在30多天了还是Awaiting Reviewer Assignment状态,比较着急,因为是新手又加上看了论坛里有前辈 Jan 8, 2025 · 我估计应该是已经在审理了,但状态没有修改。我的一个论文大修后已经两个月了,还是awaiting reviewer assignment。我打算3个月的时候写信问问。 Jun 18, 2013 · 文章小修提交1个多月了,一直awaitingreviewerassignment,当初给小修意见时说过小修后不需要送审了,难道编辑不是很好抉择又返回给审稿人了? 返回审稿人的话,这种 Aug 16, 2024 · Awaiting Reviewer Selection: The editor is trying to find suitable reviewers for your revised manuscript. • Invite Reviewers: Manuscripts where reviewers have been selected, but have not been invited • Assign Reviewers: Manuscripts awaiting responses from invited reviewers. But today suddenly the status changed back to 2. 6. This status typically means your manuscript is awaiting assignment to an editor after the initial review of Feb 14, 2023 · After a week of submission, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer selections". well I'm not sure. Nowadays, journals are speeding up the review process. 27号显示under review 14天后2. procession一般3-4天后就会安排主编。 2。awaiting reviewer assignment 等待指定审稿人。 主编在选择审稿人,等待审稿人回复是否同意审稿。一般在一周以内。看审稿人回复速度。 3。awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿人审稿意见。 Jan 8, 2025 · 我估计应该是已经在审理了,但状态没有修改。我的一个论文大修后已经两个月了,还是awaiting reviewer assignment。我打算3 个月的时候写信问问。 赞 一下 回复此楼 7楼 2010-03-30 14:14:21 已阅 回复此楼 关注TA 给TA发消息 送TA红花 TA的回帖 相关版块 Jun 18, 2013 · 文章小修提交1个多月了,一直awaiting reviewer assignment,当初给小修意见时说过小修后不需要送审了,难道编辑不是很好抉择又返回给审稿人了?返回审稿人的话,这种状态持续了1个月,是不是又另外找了新的审稿人呢?请大家帮忙分析下 返回小木虫查看更 4 days ago · 在国外的editage网站上,似乎第二种比较多,理由是:如果是1,送新的审稿人的话,在ScholarOne系统状态会变成awaiting reviewer assignment,而不是awaiting reviewer scores,awaiting reviewer scores是在审稿人都接受审稿之后的状态,因此editage里面都 Nov 7, 2024 · 如图,第一次投稿AGU旗下期刊,请问这个状态是杯具了吗?谢谢大神们。 论文投稿 投稿求助 应《网络安全法》要求,自2017年10月1日起,未进行实名认证将不得使用互联网跟帖服务。 Aug 29, 2024 · sci大修返修后,awaitingreviewerassignment是什么审稿状在科学文献投稿流程中,当你遇到awaiting reviewer selection 这一状态,实际上指的是稿件正在编辑部内部进行审阅。编辑部对稿件进行初步评估,确定其适合性及 百度首页 商城 注册 登录 网页 资讯 What do reviewers look for? This will vary from title to title, for example a journal with a strong research focus will put more emphasis on research methodology, while journals publishing case studies will focus on the quality of the case and accompanying teaching note. Reviewer invitations are sent by email from the journal's Editorial Manager submission system. " However, if one or more reviewers decline the review invitation, the editor will have to look for May 6, 2021 · Not necessarily. . 01 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023. Once the requisite number of reviewers accept the invitation, the status will change to "under review. Now I want to submit my manuscript to another journal, but it would be a duplicate submission in this situation. So, even though you may be tempted to skip straight to the chapter on surviving peer review, we encourage you to read the two preceding chapters first. 0 经验分享:2022. A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". 05. Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". 1 1 区  2023/06/05 Submitted to Journal 2023/06/06 With Editor 2023/06/07 Under Review 2023/07/05 Major Revision 2023/07/22 2023/07 Oct 13, 2014 · Awaiting EIC Immediate Decision 现在是10月13号,一直是Under review,就是说一直还在主编手里,我看小木虫上说,美陶的投稿流程和时间如下: 1.Awaiting Admin Checklist 大概需要一两天 2. In other words, at this point, the ball is squarely in the reviewers’ court! Jan 17, 2011 · 谢谢你,我的状态已经改过3次了,第一次是Awaiting AE assignment,第二次是Awaiting editor assignment,这一次是Awaiting ME Recommendation 。给解释一下吧,呵呵 visitor958 现在是主编做最后决定。不过多久了?中间没有Under Review的话,很可能不是好 投稿两个多月,我投的是 original research,一直在 重复Awaiting Reviewer Reply 和Awaiting Reviewer Selection 流程,请问一下大家一般初审多长时间可以得到审稿人的意见? 0 29 展开29条回复 2022-05-09 小汤圆有小心脏 审稿速度:12. Although in my earlier submission of other papers in the same journal, in this time frame, my paper went into review process. Dec 22, 2023 · 投了一个半月了,状态一直在awaiting reviewer selection 和 awaiting reviewer assignment之间变化,来回已经有3 次了。这是什么情况?发邮件编辑也不回 @Monash2011 发自小木虫Android客户端 回复此楼 » 猜你喜欢 希望能有幸在各位专家、老师们百忙之中 Reviewer Assignment:The status "awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editorial team is in the process of selecting and assigning new reviewers to evaluate your revised manuscript Nov 5, 2019 · The status "Awaiting reviewer assignment" means that your paper has cleared teh initial editorial screening and will be sent for peer review. After submission, the status changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. Feb 15, 2023 · I submitted an article 5 months ago to a journal. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. 10投稿,基本一个半月有一次回信,经历了一次大修,三次小修 I submitted my manuscript to a journal using the ScholarOne system. Then a few days later it switched back to "Awaiting referee assignment" again. Under review 一两天 3.Awaiting reviewer assignment 一般 awaiting reviewer assignment awaiting eic decision- 收集评审意见:编辑团队收集所有审稿人的评审意见,并将其传达给主编。主编评估:主编会仔细阅读审稿人的意见,考虑他们的建议,并评估论文的质量、原创性和适合期刊的程度。决策制定:主编将综合考虑 经验分享:投稿2个多月了,一直是awaiting reviewer assignment 。这该怎么办呀 95 2 展开2条回复 2023-12-15 ms4000000016602042 来自辽宁省 审稿速度:12. Awaiting Reviewer Selection, which is the next stage, means that the editor has received responses from multiple peer reviewers and is presently in the process of making a selection among them. Awaiting AE Assignment - checked and approved for processing. As stated by Rodriguez, Bollen, and Van de Sompel (2007): “one of the first and potentially most important stage is the one that attempts to distribute submitted Apr 18, 2020 · 答: Awaiting Reviewer assignment 是指期刊正为您的稿件寻找审稿专家,或者等审稿专家同意评审您的稿件。 由于每位科研人员的研究方向的差异,很多期刊的稿件都面临无法快速找到合适、且愿意审稿的专家的问题,因此有时候 Awaiting Reviewer assignment 有时候会长达一两周,甚至 1 个月。 My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. 21, awaiting AE decision. One month from submission to final decision does seem quick, especially if it seems to have gone through a peer review, as indicated by the ‘Waiting for Reviewers’ Scores’ status. 3 awaiting editor assignment 8. 28 Resubmitted, Awaiting Editorial Office Processing 2023. So, this might be a rapid-publication journal. This rather ambiguous stage is when reviewers have been invited, but we are waiting for the required number to agree to review. are asked to act as reviewers, learning to think like a reviewer will help you understand the process. Major Revision; 06 May. " Does it really mean that my paper will go through another round of review with new reviewers? You have three queries. lett. You are correct in that it hasn't been scrolled yet if at the phase. But there is still no response. 2022/06/10 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2022/06/12 Under review 2022/06/13 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2011/06/28 No updates. This change has occurred After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. The questions editors ask reviewers awaiting reviewer selection与assignment- 通过与该领域的专家进行互动,出版过程确保了只有最严谨和有价值的研究才会与更广泛的学术界共享。审稿人提供的反馈有助于作者完善其工作,从而提高其研究的质量和影响力。最终,这一过程有助于知识的进步和 May 25, 2007 · 我可以肯定的是不一样: 我曾经投稿Oxford press期刊, 先是under review,经过一月有余,变为Awaiting Reviewer Scores ,然后很快(4天后)给出审稿意见. --awaiting reviewer assignment等待副编辑联系审稿人,看审稿人有没有时间来审稿,一般要7-10天左右。 3. 一般杂志复审与否与编辑部流程关系很大,有的会强制邀请提出major revision的审稿复审的,有的则修回 Jul 27, 2024 · 接着,文章进入"awaiting reviewers scores",即等待审稿人给出意见,美陶规定审稿人需在三周内完成,但可申请延期。然后是"awaiting AE assignment",编辑部会挑选合适的AE,这个过程通常1-3天内完成。 May 25, 2016 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 责编向选定的审稿专家发送审稿邀请 来回变动2次的原因是邀请的审稿专家有人拒绝审稿,责编不得不重新拟定专家名单。 这个期刊的投稿指南上说6-8个星期就能一审结束。。可是现在时间快过了一半了。。。怎么还是这个 Nov 20, 2024 · Also known as: with reviewers, with referees, under review, awaiting referee assignment, awaiting referee reports, awaiting reviewer scores, awaiting reviewer invitation , reviewers assigned, manuscript assigned to peer-reviewer/s (NPG) The initial selection of referees is usually comprised in the previous step. 27日投稿,一周后状态为等待审稿,一个月左右变为等待分配审稿人,心想这个 Apr 16, 2014 · 从awaiting AE recommendation变回到awaiting reviewer scores状态? 已经有16人回复 under review 变成 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 说明什么? 已经有7人回复 求助:状态Awaiting Recommendation是什么意思? 已经有3人回复 Awaiting AE Recommendation Nov 6, 2020 · 问题: awaiting reviewer assignment 已经接近一个月了,一般是什么情况? dong dong 于 2020年11月06日 提问 我来回答 关注该问题 分享 写答案 关于文本格式 1 人回答这个问题 回答 Feb 27, 2023 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: 1-July-2023 Under review: 30-July-2023(只返回一个reviewer 的建议,说是怕耽误进度,先让我回复这个意见;然后再给我找三个评审!) Awaiting AE Recomondation: From 15/10/2023 to 10/11/2023,近乎一个月 Awaiting EIC Dec 23, 2024 · awaiting reviewer invitation变成awaiting reviewer assignment 已经有3人回复 请问各位大神,我这种情况应该怎么办? 已经有22人回复 审稿意见只有Reviewer #2 和Reviewer #3,是不是漏掉了一个啊? 已经有4人回复 求助大神:Awaiting Reviewer assignment和 Dec 11, 2024 · awaiting reviewer assignment 是已经在审了,还是在找审稿人 如题 小呀小 2021-07-22 01:54 论文道贺祈福 投稿半年仍是“Awaiting Reviewer Assignment” 去年8月投了一篇文章到计算机数据库领域2区的期刊,半年多了,至今状态仍是 Jan 6, 2021 · 我在scholarone manuscript系统上投了一篇文章,awaiting RE assignment 3天后变成awaiting reviewers ' response,然后又过了9天左右,首页 全部版块 去发帖 登录 / 去注册 丁香园论坛 论文写作投稿 帖子详情 awaiting reviewers' response 和scores有啥区别 Oct 21, 2014 · 我投了一篇BMJ,10-04投稿,大概两天后自上而下出现四条状态,分别为 awaiting reviewer selection, awaiting third opinion, awaiting second opinion, awaiting screener selection 又过了大概3-4天后,最下面的awaiting screener selection变为with screener,再过了2天后,最下面的with screener消失,只剩下前面三条状态awaiting reviewer selection 2 days ago · The reviewer sets time aside to read the paper several times. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Potential reviewers have been identified, and the Aug 29, 2024 · 在科学文献投稿流程中,当你遇到awaiting reviewer selection这一状态,实际上指的是稿件正在编辑部内部进行审阅。 编辑部对稿件进行初步评估,确定其适合性及可能的发 在等待审稿人进行评审的过程中,作者通常可以开始准备答辩和修改稿件的工作。 审稿人的评审意见通常会包括对文章内容的评价、建议和修改意见。 作者可以根据审稿人的意见对文章进行 Reviewer Assignment: The status "awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editorial team is in the process of selecting and assigning new reviewers to evaluate your revised May 25, 2016 · Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 责编向选定的审稿专家发送审稿邀请 来回变动2次的原因是邀请的审稿专家有人拒绝审稿,责编不得不重新拟定专家名单。 这个期刊的投稿指南上说6-8个星期就能一审结束。。可是现在时间快过了一半了。。。怎么还是这个 Nov 7, 2024 · 1。awaiting admin. 4 under review (编辑审稿) 8. 19 Awaiting Decision 2023. “Awaiting Reviewer Selection”意思是“等待审稿人选择”。 这表明编辑已经初步处理了你的稿件,目前正在为你的文章挑选合适的审稿人。这个过程持续的时间因期刊而异。有的期刊可能在几天内就能选好审稿人,而有的可能需要数周。 The reviewer assignment is overdue because the three invited reviewers did not agree to review Some reviewers suggest new reviewers when they decline to review. Papers that do not meet these criteria will be rejected. ” Scroll down to see the results returned from Reviewer Connect Results* or to search for an existing reviewer in the system or to create a new reviewer account. Accept. This change has occurred An example filename structure for files downloaded by Reviewers will be ojs-review-assignment-1-article-text-8. This change has occurred I recently submitted my first paper to a philosophy journal. The status is "Waiting for reviewer assignment" since 24-4-2017. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment; 10 May. This change has occurred I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again For example, if historical data used to train AI models reflects gender or geographical disparities in academic publishing, these biases could be reinforced in AI-assisted reviewer selection. 12, awaiting reviewer selection. Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for the journal. Awaiting Reviewer Scores; 20 May. " This status has not been changed for a month. 有作者咨询:论文状态awaiting reviewer assignment 的意思,这是初审环节的一个状态,代表等待分配审稿专家,在整个sci论文发表过程中,论文状态会有多个变化,具体说明如下: 1、编辑初审阶段会看到的状态 Manuscript Submitted/Manuscript received by Editorial Office——投稿已到杂志社 2023. (date). Use the links in the invitation email to accept or decline, or check the “New Reviewer Invitations” folder on your Reviewer Main Menu screen in 2022/10/17 Status: Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2022/11/4 Status: Under review 2023/2/12 Status: Major Revision 2023/3/27 Major revision submission, Status: Awaiting Reviewer Invitation 2023/3/19 Status: Under review 2023/5/26 Status: Accept!" Kevin 2022-09-29 As of now, it has not entered the review stage yet~ . 2号系统又变成了awaiting reviewer assignment,7号变成scores ,现在还是。这是要再次选择新审稿人送审吗?要不要再问下?是不是因为我催太早了导致编辑想要为难我 发自小木虫Android客户端 回复此楼 Aug 1, 2023 · Reviewer:审稿人,一般给你assign三个审稿人对你的文章进行评审,并将审稿意见提交给AE。 审稿状态: Awaiting Admin Processing:一般3-4天后就会安排主编;Awaiting Reviewer Assignment :等待指定审稿人。主编在选择审稿人,等待审稿人回复是否同意 Oct 28, 2024 · 稿件进入Awaiting Reviewer Assignment状态后,AE 开始邀请审稿人,此时审稿流程进入关键阶段。一般情况下,审稿人需在三周内提交审稿意见。如果审稿人认为时间不够,可以请求延长审稿期限。这一阶段的持续时间,根据不同期刊,可能从几周到几个 Oct 27, 2024 · awaiting reviewer scores啥意思,要等多久呢了解"awaiting reviewer scores"意味着什么及所需等待时间,首先需要理解这一阶段在SCI 期刊出版流程中的位置。一般情况下,这一阶段需根据期刊的具体要求来判 百度首页 商城 注册 登录 网页 资讯 视频 图片 Feb 16, 2016 · Awaiting Editor Assignment 指派责任编辑 。Editor assigned 是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。 Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 总结:一般情况下,投稿(submit)状态后一个星期内会出现编辑处理稿件(with editor)这个 Jul 31, 2021 · Hello, I submitted my paper to one of the high impact factor journals month ago. 8. During this time, the editor looks for suitable reviewers for your paper and sends out review invitations. I have written to (name) on (date) and (date), but have not heard back from him/her. Aug 25, 2023 · Awaiting AE Assignment 的意思就是等待指派副编辑对论文进行审稿处理,也就是期刊的初审,在投稿以后,期刊的内部人员会先对文章的基本格式、新颖性和研究方向等等进行初步审核,经过初步审核以后,才会把相关的稿 4 days ago · 大家好,我1月份投稿一篇美陶。 投稿后1. 5 7月份审稿意见回来,一个小修;一个大修,提的意见比较严格 11月5日修回,自我感觉修改的不是很好。 到现在已经3个多月了,一直是awaiting reviewer assignment(等待指派审稿人)状态,这是怎么回事呢? Mar 13, 2022 · If the editorial management system (EMS) is distinguishing between the two, odds are "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" means the reviewers have not been invited yet, and "Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation" means the reviewers have not agreed to review the manuscript yet. 摸鱼ing? 2022-06-27 This D journal is like this, insisting on self-destruction. 6. mamx yva slpp shggjx zdhucd eklkh icx kylh ora rhcvo