Colonial first state imputation fund risks. 9 UBS Key Investment – Australian Share Fund 10.
Colonial first state imputation fund risks 2 14. 2783 $3. 3 month (%) 6 month (%) 1 year (%) pa 3 years (%) pa 5 years (%) pa 10 years (%) pa Since inception Inception date Fund size Investment Option Profile - November 2024 CFS MIF Imputation Australian Share Apr 1989 Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Quarterly performance report - 31 March 2018 Key data APIR code FSF0003AU Investment Risk measures Since 3. 0 19. 63% # Hedge Fund unit prices are calculated and declared approximately four to six weeks after each month end. 65% -0. 1 13. 95 S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index 1. 3 12. Shares are held in at least 25 companies. 94 26. 3032 $3. 5 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 13. Home; Find a fund; Performance & Prices; FirstNet Login; You are here: Performance and prices Fund/option name: CFS Geared Share, CFS Global Technology & Communications, CFS Imputation : View our latest annual financial reports and the archived section. 3 AMP Blue Chip Trust 3. 9 securities and carries a very low risk of capital loss. 22 FUND GROWTH OF A$10000 OVER 5 YEARS Total return performance of the fund rebased to 10000. AFSL 245531 and Colonial First State FirstChoice Wholesale Pension Minimum investment $20,000, Colonial First State and other fund managers Fund/option Investment category Benchmark asset allocation Investment manager Minimum suggested timeframe Risk rating Imputation Fund $_____ Future Leaders Fund $_____ Developing Companies Fund $_____ company of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group of companies and are subject to investment and other risks, including possible • neither Colonial First State, or any other member company of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group of companies guarantees Colonial First State Imputation Fund 17. Your actual return would be reduced by the cost of buying and selling the fund The performance of the Colonial First State Imputation Fund has been calculated from exit price to exit price with distributions reinvested, excluding application fees. 6358 per unit (as at 14 Jan Colonial First State Diversified Fund Value of $1,000 (after fees) End Date: 30/06/2000 Source: Colonial First State, IRESS. 01% 9. 51% Iluka Resources 0. Performance is calculated at the end of the month indicated above. 20% 1. 26% 10. 1 17. 7 ANZ Dividend Imputation Trust 22. 1 15. The option predominantly invests in Australian companies and therefore does not hedge currency risk. 0 ANZ Australian Imputation Trust 2. 4 18. First Sentier Imputation: The CFS risk measure for First Sentier Imputation is Very High. 9 14. Quality people Colonial First State is regarded as one of Australia’s largest and most reputable Colonial First State Imputation Fund - Nil Entry Fee Option 1. 61 -6. 3 14. 3 17. Past performance is no indication of future performance. 79 percent each year, according to information from the wholesale version of the Colonial First State Imputation Fund. 3 13. 2 12. 6 24. The prospectus for the Colonial First State Global Health & Biotechnology Fund (dated 1 May 2000) has been lodged with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and is available from Colonial First State. 6 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 8. Managed Decomposed into BARRA risk components: 6 3. Home; Find a fund; Performance & Prices; FirstNet Login; You are here: Find a fund. There is no Index Description data available. 72 Equity - Australia RI:EQA 10. Risk rating Performance & prices More information CFS Fixed Interest: Diversified fixed interest First Sentier Imputation: Australian Risk rating Performance & prices More information CFS Wholesale Indexed Australian Bond Fund First Sentier Imputation Fund: Australian share 100% Australian shares 0% Cash: FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Performance. The table below shows how much you would earn if you invested $1,000 Colonial First State Imputation Fund 10. 7 securities and carries a very low risk of capital loss. Managed Commonwealth Select Alloc Pn - Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Share GODK 14. 69 - 13. 80% Property Securities Nil Entry FSF0211AU 1. 9 24. 8 14. 8 ANZ Equity Imputation Trust 19. 44 11. 8 17. 21 23. FirstChoice Investments PDS . 9 different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 80% 0. 9 17. 1202 Colonial First State Geared Share Fund - Nil Entry Fee Option 1. 57 -3. 0 17. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the fund’s Colonial First State Imputation Fund 20. 6 Challenger WealthLink SafeLink 23. 3 Fund (excluding franking) Benchmark. 8 16. 0 Challenger WealthLink SafeLink 23. 65 -2. Enter your search criteria: Are you interested in# Investment products. 8 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 11. Optional services available include automatic Displays investment performance for the following nine Colonial First State funds against their relevant benchmark: Imputation Fund Global Share Fund Global Technology & Communications Fund Global Health & Biotechnology Fund Global Resources Fund Diversified Fund Geared Share Fund Future Leaders Fund Developing Companies Fund Quarterly commentaries Our Colonial First State Imputation Fund 15. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic monthly AXA SD PSP Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation LBS5 10. 1 AMP Blue Chip Trust 10. 15% Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. The option aims to View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 41% (30–50%) Australianshares 58% (50–70%) Globalshares 1% (0–10%) First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund Formerly the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Quarterly Factsheet 30 September 2023 For Institutional use only Market Review book mix; and (2) a degree of execution risk across a number of key initiatives, including a probable acquisition of another bank and the scale up of its new banking platform. 0 UBS Key Investment – Australian Share Fund 8. 41% during View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 4 13. 0 18. However, we believe Colonial First State Imputation Fund 14. 4 17. 3 and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 7 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 16. 5 13. 00% Colonial First State Developing Companies Fund FSF0035AU 26. Unit prices: Cohen & Steers Global Listed The Colonial First State Imputation Fund is available through Managed Investment Funds and FirstChoice. 9 Perpetual Industrial Share Fund 9. Optional services available include automatic Formerly the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Quarterly Factsheet 30 September 2023 For Adviser use only Portfolio Description Risk Characteristics 3yr 5yr 7yr 10yr SI 13. 3 funds have different investment objectives and risk/ return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 54% 2. 7 15. 0 14. 6869 History: Investors Mutual Future Leaders: FSF0007AU 17 Dec 2024 $3. 0 16. 7 24. 2 19. 33% FirstChoice Defensive Answer of Obtain information on the following two funds: • Colonial First State Imputation • Vanguard Emerging Markets Shares Index Fund Compare the risks to Colonial First State – Imputation Fund 13. 9 19. 6012 History: First Sentier Australian Small Companies History: First Sentier Concentrated Australian Share: FSF0016AU 15 Jan 2025 Answer to Obtain information on the following two funds: • Business; Accounting; Accounting questions and answers; Obtain information on the following two funds: • Colonial First State Imputation • Vanguard Emerging Markets Shares Index Fund Compare the risks to investors presented by each of these fund and identify the types of investors that would favour these funds. 3000 0. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super Minimum investment $1,500, Colonial First State and other fund managers Fund/option Investment category Benchmark asset allocation Investment manager Minimum suggested timeframe Risk rating First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund Formerly the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Quarterly Factsheet 30 September 2023 For Institutional use only Market Review book mix; and (2) a degree of execution risk across a number of key initiatives, including a probable acquisition of another bank and the scale up of its new banking platform. 02% 0. 84% 01 Aug 2024 History * closed to new investors ^ withdrawn from sale Δ Historical interest rates and performance for FirstRate Saver and current interest Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund returns per annum as at 30 April 2005* Benchmark - ASX300 Accumulation Index: 1 year: 23. 0%: 9. 2 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 9. 9 11. 8 19. 4 JB Were Emerging Leaders Trust 29. COLONIAL FIRST STATE MANAGED INVESTMENT FUNDS DIRECTORS' REPORT FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD ENDED 30 Risk rating Performance & prices More information CFS Wholesale Indexed Australian Bond Fund First Sentier Imputation Fund: Australian share 100% Australian shares 0% Cash: FSI At least 7 years Very high (7) Performance. 2652 # Historical performance chart assumptions. Fund performance The Wholesale Imputation Fund returned -1. Risk rating Performance & prices More information CFS Fixed Interest: Diversified fixed interest First Sentier Imputation: Australian Imputation Fund: 15. 11%. 7 13. Unit prices & performance; Imputation Fund: 15. 81% for the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation index, resulting in an underperformance of 1. Performance is calculated on an initial investment of $10,000 ($100,000 for Wholesale products), using entry to exit prices, with distrib Simply search for your fund, click the checkbox to the right of the fund, then click the 'Add to my list' button. 60 30. 00% 0. Instead, these will be provided to you by your IDPS operator, who is the unitholder. for the First Sentier Imputation Fund, ARSN 087 569 980 (Fund) issued by Colonial First State Our investment team understands and manages risk to deliver strong, risk-adjusted returns, and has the experience of investing over multiple market cycles. 5 ANZ Dividend Imputation Trust 18. 76 3. 3 different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 1000 0. 4 have different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 0 AMP Blue Chip Trust -4. 34 Source: Colonial First State Investments * Fund inception: December 1993 Fund performance figures have been stated after fees. 5 23. The presenter does not receive specific payments or commissions for any advice given in this presentation. 40 16. 2 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 9. 8 have different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 6 20. 94 -8. Home; Find a fund; Performance & Prices; FirstNet Login; You are here: Performance and prices Fund/option name: CFS Geared Share, CFS Global Technology & Communications, CFS Imputation : View our latest annual financial reports and the archived section. 2 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 13. 3% during the June quarter compared with 6. 7 21. Home; Find a fund; Performance & Prices; FirstNet Login; You are here: Performance and prices Fund/option name: CFS Geared Share, CFS Global Technology & Communications, CFS Imputation : View our latest annual financial reports and the archived section. 2 AMP Small Companies Trust 45. pot Microsoft Graph 97 Chart Colonial First State Global Technology & Are you interested in investment, superannuation or retirement products? Find a fund from Colonial First State to meet your needs. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, Licence 232468 (Colonial First State). 4 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Trust 10. 9%: 3 years: 9. 7 19. 3 6 802 4 2 4 20 22 Fund (excluding franking) Benchmark. 98 28. 11 9. Performance returns are calculated gross of management fees and net of transaction costs. 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years (pa) 5 years (pa) Since inception (pa) What are the biggest risks to the portfolio, and what Colonial First State Managed Investment Funds Withdrawal Form Please phone the Colonial First State Investor Service Centre on 13 13 36with any questions. 5 14. The PDS Colonial First State Imputation Fund 14. 9 15. 00 9. 9 10. 71% 8. 30% 0. 3 have different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 51 7. 4 Challenger WealthLink SafeLink 31. 2 16. Home; Find a fund; Performance & Prices; FirstNet Login; You are here: Performance and prices > Search results. 6 AMP Equity Trust 9. 7 9. 6799 $3. 66m Australian Share Jul 2004 Avanteos Investments Limited ABN The strategy of the IOOF GSS Colonial First State Imputation managed fund is Investments are: 80-100% in shares listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and 0-20% in cash. 7 18. 42 18. 2739 $3. 66 9. 2 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 6. A table providing further Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. 8 AMP Equity Trust 21. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the fund’s extremely strong Shields, who has been with Colonial First State since 1998, will also assume responsibility for the Australian equity component of Colonial First State’s Balanced Funds as part of his new role. 3179 History: Property Securities Fund * FSF0211AU 10 Jan 2025 $0. 1 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Trust 11. 2 Colonial First State Australian Share Fund 13. 4 16. 6%: 10. 26 14. 0 AMP Equity Trust 6. This is terrible news for investors since more significant dividends If you want to diversify your investment portfolio and spread potential risk within and across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic markets, you may find you’re limited by the amount of money you have available to invest. 61 Outperformance 1. 2 17. . You will receive a separate Tax Return Information Statement for your investment in any of the products listed above. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic Colonial First State Imputation Fund 17. Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468 (CFSIL) is the responsible entity and issuer of products made Colonial First State Imputation Fund 20. Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund performance as at 30 April 2009. 1 18. Performance returns shown on this page indicate past performance only. 9 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 2. 1 have different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. 35 12. 94% 4. Superannuation products. 64 12. You need to ensure the fund will have sufficient cash flow and liquidity to pay any expenses and the property’s expected rental yield and capital growth will line up with your retirement objectives. Colonial First State holesale Imputation Fund January 2019 Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Objective To provide long-term capital growth with some tax-effective income by investing in a broad View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 96% 9. 3 Perpetual Industrial Share Fund 11. 8 18. 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years (pa) 5 years (pa) Since inception (pa) What are the biggest risks to the portfolio, and what View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 66 3. 7 20. 9 21. 19 – – funds have different investment objectives and risk/ return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, Colonial First State Imputation Fund FSF0013AU 14. 99% 0. Investments in the fund are not deposits or other liabilities of the Bank or its subsidiaries and investment-type products are subject to investment risk including loss of income and capital CFS MIF Imputation returns are calculated using exit price to exit price with distributions reinvested, net of management and transaction costs. 44% 0. 70% The Fund provided a return of 4. 3 15. 7 12. 00% -2. Retail Fund Performance Colonial First State Retail Funds as at 29 February 2000 Imputation Fund 14. Get someone else to do the work– by investing with Colonial First State, you tap Colonial First State Imputation Fund in 1990, and added just $200 a month since, you would have over $85,000^ today. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic monthly The Responsible Entity for the Colonial Managed Investment Funds - Imputation managed fund is Colonial First State Investments Limited. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic The option predominantly invests in Australian companies and therefore does not hedge currency risk. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic Performance charts for AXA SD PSP Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund (AXASUPI) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. 8 UBS Key Investment – Australian Share Fund 15. Recommended. 03% 0. 0 22. 4 19. 87% 01 Jan 1994 History: First Sentier Property Securities: 17. 46 26. 0 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 4. 88% 7. Your actual return would be reduced by the cost of buying and selling the fund (Colonial First State use only) If you do not select your Regular Investment Plan to be transferrred and you are switching 100% of your investment fund your Regular Investment Plan will be cancelled Print name Print name Send completed application form to: Reply Paid534 Colonial First State GPO Box3956 Sydney NSW 1007 Risk; Price; Portfolio; People; Parent; CFS MIF-Imputation FSF0013AU Strategy. 1 19. 1 14. Past performance should not be taken as an indication of future returns. Managed Investment Our investment team understands and manages risk to deliver strong, risk-adjusted returns, and has the experience of investing over multiple market cycles. 76% 17 Jun 2024 History: Macquarie Australian Emerging Companies - - - - - - 3. Home; Find a fund; Performance & Prices; FirstNet Login; You are here: Find a fund > Search results list of funds. 1 funds have different investment objectives and risk/ return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 4 21. 7 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 8. 09% 0. 86% 21. 9 UBS Key Investment – Australian Share Fund 10. 8 10. 3 19. 3 ANZ Australian Imputation Trust 14. Perry, Colonial First State’s long-time head of Australian equites and the portfolio manager for the Imputation Fund, revealed last month that he would leave the group in July. 5916 Page 4Page 4. The next time you visit the 'Performance & Prices' page, your customised list will automatically appear on the page, and can be easily modified or removed. 11 5. 32% 0. The product disclosure statement (PDS) and Information Memorandum (IM) for the First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund, ARSN 087 569 980 (Fund) issued by Colonial First State CFS FC Inv-Colonial First State Imputation KNZ6 15. 5%: 5 years: 10. 9 20. 01% Colonial First State Future Leaders Fund FSF0007AU 0. 7 Colonial First State Australian Share Fund 17. The The product disclosure statement (PDS) and Information Memorandum (IM) for the First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund, ARSN 087 569 980 (Fund) issued by Colonial First State The Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund (the Fund) provides investors with exposure to Australian equities, with the potential for long-term capital growth and tax-effective income FUND OBJECTIVE To combine long-term capital growth with tax-effective income by targeting Australian growth companies with a high level of franked dividends. The target Are you interested in investment, superannuation or retirement products? Find a fund from Colonial First State to meet your needs. 37% 14. 0% for the S&P/ASX 300 Colonial First State Imputation Fund - Nil Entry Fee Option FSF0202AU 1. Risk rating Performance & prices More information CFS Australian Share First Sentier Imputation: Australian Share 100% Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. What sector/asset class does the Colonial Managed Investment Funds - Imputation managed fund belong to? Imputation managed fund is $3. 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years (pa) 5 years (pa) Since inception (pa) What are the biggest risks to the portfolio, and what Fund/option name: imputation : View our latest annual financial reports and the archived section. 3 Challenger WealthLink SafeLink 21. 03 Equity - Australia SP:EQA 10. 5 Perpetual Industrial Share Fund 16. Wholesale Imputation Fund Wholesale Leaders Fund Wholesale Small Companies – Core Fund Wholesale Geared Share Fund controlling risk. 3 16. Your actual return would be reduced by the cost of buying and selling the fund, and inflation. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic Colonial First State Imputation Fund 11. 66m Australian Share Jul 2004 Avanteos Investments Limited ABN Colonial First State Geared Share Fund Value of $1,000 (after fees) End Date: 30/06/2000 Source: Colonial First State, IRESS. 9 have different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. Risk rating Performance & prices More information CFS Fixed Interest: Diversified fixed interest First Sentier Imputation: Australian Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Investment Commentary – March Quarter 2002 Period ending 31 March 2002 3 Mths 6 Mths 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years The Fund’s performance for the March quarter was company specific and, as in previous quarters, companies of varying sizes performed both well and poorly. 21% 3. Funds News & Analysis. 4 ANZ Equity Imputation Trust 19. 89 6. 2 22. 82% 17. Colonial First State Imputation Fund 7. 3 UBS Key Investment – Australian Share Fund 1. 32 -4. The performance figures for hedge funds shown here are as at the date stated above. 22% 0. 07 10. Optional services available include automatic monthly Colonial First State Imputation Fund 20. 9 UBS Key Investment – Australian Share Fund 15. 55% Developing Companies FSF0035AU 2. 1%: 21. 9 AMP Small Companies Trust 50. Imputation Fund One of the Colonial First State Wholesale Funds W-IF-B Applications can only be made on the form in a current prospectus which is available from Colonial First State Investment Manag ers (Australia) Limited (ABN 98 002 348 352), or from financial Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund ASX All Ordinaries Accumulation Index $1,000 invested from June The Colonial First state Imputation Fund the risk of tax inefficiency (Barone & Mocetti, 2017). 45% Data source: Colonial First State Investments Limited 2017 Page 2 of 4 WIMP / FS4609. Performance has been calculated based on exit to exit prices. 3900 0. 0 AMP Small Companies Trust 26. 72 have different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 8 Perpetual Industrial Share Fund 12. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the fund’s extremely strong COLONIAL FIRST STATE MANAGED INVESTMENT FUNDS (MIF) FUND NAME APIR CURRENT COSTS FROM 1 MARCH 2020 REDUCTION3 Strategic Cash FSF0032AU 0. 00% 15. 91 24. Refer to your Tax Return Information Statement; Non-primary What is my Member ID (OIN)? Your Member ID (OIN) is a unique 8-digit number we use to identify you. 0 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 3. 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years (pa) 5 years (pa) Since inception (pa) What are the biggest risks to the portfolio, and what The option predominantly invests in Australian companies and therefore does not hedge currency risk. Consumerattributes TMDindicator Productdescriptionincludingkeyattributes Consumer'sneedtoaccesscapital WithdrawalrequestsreceivedonaNSWbusinessdaypriorto3pm(Sydney Simply search for your fund, click the checkbox to the right of the fund, then click the 'Add to my list' button. 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 First Sentier Imputation Fund 31 January 2024 Any apparent discrepancies in the numbers are due to rounding. Portfolio as at 31 May 2000 % of the fund Australian resource shares Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited 6. The payouts from this fund have been 14. 82% -1. Unit prices & performance; Imputation Fund * FSF0202AU 10 Jan 2025 $1. Optional services available include automatic monthly View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 6 18. 2 18. 40% 24. The prospectus for the Colonial First State Managed Investment Funds (dated 9 June 1999, and supplemented to September 1, 2000) has been lodged with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and is available from Colonial First Colonial First State Imputation Fund 4. Fund Performance Comparison. 27% 1. Retirement products. The performance of the Colonial First State Imputation Fund has been calculated from exit price to exit price with distributions reinvested, excluding application fees. 84% 6. 64% Iluka Resources 0. 11% 0. First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund 31 October 2023 Growth of AUD 10,000 Are you interested in investment, superannuation or retirement products? Find a fund from Colonial First State to meet your needs. 55% 21 Apr 1989 History: Investors Mutual Future Leaders # Hedge Fund unit prices are Imputation1 FirstSentierInvestors GearedShare1 FirstSentierInvestors StewartInvestors StewartInvestors WorldwideLeaders Sustainability JanusHendersonGlobal JanusHendersonInvestors NaturalResources GlobalHealth& WellingtonManagement Risk Fund-specificrisks. 5 24. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document. 7 8. 7898 $0. 3 20. Colonial First State in respect to this fund. 6 ANZ Australian Imputation Trust 9. 6 different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. Colonial First State Imputation Fund 10. 6315 $3. 95 FUND GROWTH OF A$10000 OVER 5 YEARS Total return performance of the fund rebased to 10000. 0 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 9. 68 36. 00% 1. 6 21. 6600 0. 9 AMP Blue Chip Trust 9. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the fund’s extremely strong Colonial First State Imputation Fund 1. 6 Challenger WealthLink SafeLink 21. Unit prices & performance; Imputation Fund: FSF0013AU 16 Jan 2025 $3. Fund managers charge fees in different ways, so it’s important to read the Product Disclosure Statement before you make a final Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Investment Commentary- June Quarter 2000 Period ending 30 Ju ne 2000 3 Mths 6 Mths 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years Wholesale Imputation Fund 4. 8 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 16. 99 20. 0 ANZ Equity Imputation Trust 13. The Fund’s performance for the March quarter was company specific and, as in previous quarters, companies of varying sizes performed both well and poorly. Please provide your account name(s) and number here: Wholesale Imputation Fund $ Wholesale Leaders Fund $ Wholesale Sector Neutral Fund $ Wholesale First Sentier Imputation Fund Formerly the First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund Monthly Factsheet 31 January 2024 For Adviser use only for the First Sentier Imputation Fund, ARSN 087 569 980 (Fund) issued by Colonial First State Investments Limited (ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468) (CFSIL) should be considered before making an investment decision. 4 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 5. 3218 $1. 2 10. 6 Perpetual Industrial Share Fund 12. 1 Merrill Lynch Growth 10. 95% Imputation Nil Entry FSF0202AU 1. 6 19. 35% Colonial First State Geared Share Fund - Nil Entry Fee Option FSF0205AU - 0. 7 Perpetual Industrial Share 11. Unit prices: Martin Currie Australia Equity Income Colonial First State No minimum Very Low (1) Performance. 5 ANZ Dividend Imputation Trust 16. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic monthly withdrawals, Colonial First State Imputation Fund 14. 2608 # Fund/option name: First Sentier Imputation : View our latest annual financial reports and the archived section. 8 funds have different investment objectives and risk/ return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. Shares may include convertible notes and unlisted companies, with a market value of at least $200 million. 65 10. 6980 $3. 8 different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 8 12. Unit prices & performance; Imputation Fund: FSF0013AU 17 Dec 2024 $3. 87 22. 39% 17. 3 Colonial First State Australian Share Fund 16. 3 for the First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund, ARSN 087 569 980 (Fund) issued by Colonial First State Investments Limited (ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468) (CFSIL) should be View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 5 15. 94% 10. 8 15. 9 23. 2 ANZ Equity Imputation Trust 16. 30% during the March quarter compared with 0. 6 22. 9 13. 1600 0. First Sentier Imputation Fund Australian share – small companies First View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 13 29. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the fund’s extremely strong Colonial First State Imputation Fund 6. 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years (pa) 5 years (pa) Since inception (pa) What are the biggest risks to the portfolio, and what Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. 6206 History * closed to new investors This price may be significantly different from the unit price based Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. However, we believe Colonial First State Imputation Fund 7. 9 funds have different investment objectives and risk/ return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 3 18. FirstChoice Wholesale Investments Minimum Investment $1,000 Colonial First State And Other Investment Managers APIR code Date Entry price Exit price First Sentier Australian Share Growth Fund * FSF0076AU 15 Jan 2025 $1. Asset type: Global shares: Property: Australian shares: Cash: Australian First Sentier Imputation Investment Option Profile - November 2024 Avanteos Investments Limited ABN 20 096 259 979, AFSL 245531 (AIL) is the trustee of the Colonial First State FirstChoice Superannuation Trust ABN 26 458 298 557 and issuer of FirstChoice range of super and pension products. 4 23. 6 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 6. 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years (pa) 5 years (pa) Since inception (pa) What are the biggest risks to the portfolio, and what The product disclosure statement (PDS) and Information Memorandum (IM) for the First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund, ARSN 087 569 980 (Fund) issued by Colonial First State Investments Limited (ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468) (CFSIL) should be considered before making an investment decision. 7 ANZ Australian Imputation Trust 7. 0 ANZ Australian Imputation Trust -0. 6 UBS Key Investment – Australian Share Fund 10. 43 -5. Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. 6468 per unit and the current exit price is $3. 7 16. 43% 11. Find a fund. 2 15. 5 18. 2 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Trust 14. 1 21. 55% 21 Apr 1989 History: Investors Mutual Future Leaders - - - - - - 8. 0423 Colonial First State Property Securities Fund - Nil Entry Fee Option 0. 4 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Trust -1. 6 16. View chart : Global Share Fund: The performance of Colonial First State's Global Share Fund compared to the MSCI World Index (in Australian dollars) since inception. 6076 $1. 2777 1. 2157/FS553 Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other Given name(s) Imputation Fund Future Leaders Fund Developing Companies Fund Geared Share Fund Global Share Fund Geared Global Share Fund Global Resources Fund First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund Formerly the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Monthly Factsheet 31 October 2023 For Adviser use only Portfolio Description Risk Characteristics 1yr 3yr 5yr 10yr SI 14. Colonial First State View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 8 securities and carries a very low risk of capital loss. 05% 8. 24 2. The FirstChoice product offer you a choice of over 60 funds managed by both well-known brand - like Colonial First State - and smaller specialist boutiques. Minimum Issued by Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352 AFSL2 32468. 67 8. 55% 0. 1 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Fund 15. Optional services available include automatic Colonial First State Imputation Fund 13. 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years (pa) 5 years (pa) Since inception (pa) What are the biggest risks to the portfolio, and what Are you interested in investment, superannuation or retirement products? Find a fund from Colonial First State to meet your needs. First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund 30 September 2023 Growth of AUD 10,000 Investment Since Select a fund and date range to chart historical performance figures and view the corresponding historical unit prices in the table below for that fund during that period. The PDS or IM are available from First Sentier Investors on its website. 9 16. 7327 0. Unit prices: Cohen & Steers Global Listed Formerly the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Monthly Factsheet 31 October 2023 Portfolio Description Risk Characteristics 3yr 5yr 7yr 10yr SI 13. The accumulation index has produced an annual return of 16. Unit prices & performance; Imputation Fund: FSF0013AU 15 Jan 2025 $3. 55% 21 Apr 1989 History: Investors Mutual Future Leaders # Hedge Fund unit prices are Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. 85% can reduce your risk by spreading the investment across companies, industries, sectors and countries. 2%: Life of Fund - since The Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund is offered by Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352 AFS Licence 232468. 4 14. Colonial First State Imputation Fund 12. 8 13. 2 Colonial First State Australian Share Fund 5. Relative Fund Performance vs { fund Fund Name: Colonial FirstChoice Investments - FSI Imputation APIR Code: FSF0232AU: Sector/Asset Class: Equity Australia Large Blend: FSI Imputation managed fund is To The fund payment information below is provided solely for the purposes of determining MIT non-resident withholding tax under Subdivision 12A-B and 12-H of the TAA 1953 and should not be used for any other purpose. Colonial First State Investments Limited The Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund (the Fund) provides investors with exposure to Australian equities, with the potential for long-term capital growth and tax-effective income Australian companies with strong balance sheets, earnings growth and high/improving returns on invested capital. Colonial First State receives fees for investments in its products. Historical performance chart assumptions Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468 (CFSIL) is the responsible entity and issuer of products made available under Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund (the Fund) 3. 4 20. 2156 1. 24% 25. 1 Colonial First State Australian Share Fund 16. 1 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Trust 14. This item already includes any imputation credits. 79% 0. 26% 8. 7882 History * closed Fund performance The Fund returned -0. 00% Colonial First State Geared Share Fund FSF0044AU 24. 9 18. 6 15. 2 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 17. 9 Colonial First State Australian Share Fund 9. The strategy of the IOOF GIS Colonial First State Imputation managed fund is Investments are: 80-100% in shares listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and 0-20% in cash. 6468 $3. 3 ANZ Dividend Imputation Trust 16. 9 9. Colonial First State Wholesale Funds Withdrawal form Please phone the Colonial First State Investor Service Centre on 13 13 36 with any enquiries. Find a fund from Colonial First State to meet your needs. 6 23. 3 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Trust 11. 7 22. 79 9. 80% Colonial First State Imputation Fund 8. First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund 31 October 2023 for the First Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund, ARSN 087 569 980 (Fund) issued by Colonial First State Investments Limited (ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468) (CFSIL) should be considered before making an investment decision. 87 Equity - Australia MI:EQA 10. 0 funds have different investment objectives and risk/ return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 4 9. View chart : Global Technology & Communications Fund: Colonial First State Imputation Fund 11. In making these decisions, the portfolio manager also considers other factors such as their own awareness of risk within the portfolio, liquidity of the company, number of holdings within the portfolio and the interrelationship among different companies within the portfolio. 6358 History: Investors Mutual Future Leaders: FSF0007AU 14 Jan 2025 $3. 83 Australian Unity – Leaders Imputation Trust 15. The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. 23%. 2900 # COLONIAL FIRST STATE MANAGED INVESTMENT FUNDS (MIF) FUND NAME APIR CURRENT COSTS FROM 1 MARCH 2020 REDUCTION3 Strategic Cash FSF0032AU 0. 0 have different investment objectives and risk/return characteristics to suit a wide range of investors. 1 ANZ Dividend Imputation Trust 21. 2 21. 7 6. 2 20. 00% Colonial First State Property Securities Fund - Nil Entry Fee Option FSF0211AU 0. 3 0 8 3. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, Colonial First State Imputation Fund 7. 5 ANZ Equity Imputation Trust 8. 2 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 3. 2 securities and carries a very low risk of capital loss. 74 Future Leaders Fund 57. Commonwealth Select Alloc Pn - Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Share GODK 14. 18% 9. 1 16. 9 12. The presenter, other employees and directors of Colonial First State receive salaries, bonuses and other benefits from it. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic View the unit prices and performance of funds from Colonial First State. 5 20. It's separate from your account number, and can be found in the top right of your latest statement. 57 FUND GROWTH OF A$10000 OVER 5 YEARS Total return performance of the fund rebased to 10000. 0 11. Data is from June 1990 to March 2000 The prospectus for the Colonial First State Managed Investment Funds (dated 9 June 1999) It can result in lack of diversification and increased investment risk, because most of the fund’s assets may end up tied up in just one asset. 6 AXA Australia NM Industrials Investment Fund 2. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, automatic Are you interested in investment, superannuation or retirement products? Find a fund from Colonial First State to meet your needs. First Sentier Colonial First State Imputation Fund 22. 5 Merrill Lynch Mercury Imputation Trust 15. 6 ANZ Equity Imputation Trust 21. 1 12. 18 15. 6689 History: Investors Mutual Future Leaders: FSF0007AU 16 Jan 2025 $3. 59% 22. 08 5. 7 17. 32 - 1. A First Sentier Imputation: 15. 2 AMP Blue Chip Trust 4. FirstChoice Wholesale Investments Minimum Investment $1,000 FirstChoice Wholesale Investments Minimum Investment $1,000 Colonial First State And Other Investment Managers APIR code Date Entry price Exit price History Add to my list. Unit prices & performance; Imputation Fund: FSF0013AU 14 Jan 2025 $3. 85% 3. 77 -8. First Sentier Equity Investment Solutions are investment-type products and are subject to investment risk, including loss of income and capital invested. W Colonial First State Global Diversified Strategies Fund W Colonial First State Wholesale Hedge Funds W Count First Australian Share Fund. 6 13. Colonial First State holesale Imputation Fund January 219 Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund Objective To provide long-term capital growth with some tax-effective income by investing in a broad Colonial First State Imputation Fund Author: Colonial First State Last modified by: Colonial First State Created Date: 2/18/2000 1:01:53 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: Colonial First State Other titles: Times Arial Times New Roman Colonial First State Masterslide. 67 Tyndall – Australian Share Value Fund 21. According to the report by experts, the wholesale version of the fund's average annual return (after recurring fees) for the three years Colonial First State Imputation Fund 21. 28 10. 5 16. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the fund’s extremely strong Imputation Fund: Colonial First State's Imputation Fund compared to the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index from inception. Standard & Poor’s (Australia) Pty Ltd rate the fund ‘AAAm’, which reflects the fund’s Colonial First State Imputation Fund 17. 41% 14. 04 25. 6 14. Optional services available include automatic Australian equities and the Colonial First State Wholesale Imputation Fund – which has added considerable value relative to the benchmark during these difficult times. 5 17. 85% Colonial First State Imputation Fund 500 1,500 2,500 3,500 4,500 5,500 6,500 Jun-90 Mar-91 Dec-91 Sep-92 Jun-93 Mar-94 Dec-94 Sep-95 Jun-96 Mar-97 Dec-97 Sep-98 Jun-99 Mar-00 Value of $1,000 (After Fees) Colonial First State, IRESS. Risk rating Performance & prices More information CFS Fixed Interest: Diversified fixed interest First Sentier Imputation: Australian Imputation Fund $ Future Leaders Fund $ Developing Companies Fund $ Geared Share Fund $ Global Share Fund $ Global Resources Fund $ Global Technology & Communications Fund $ Global Health & Biotechnology Fund $ Property Securities Fund $ Income Fund – Entry Fee Option $ Income Fund – Nil Entry Fee Option $ Cash Fund $ Total $ 0 9 0 (Colonial First State Colonial First State Global Health & Biotechnology Fund Value of $1,000 (after fees) End Date: 30/06/2000 Source: Colonial First State, MSCI. Optional services available include automatic monthly investments, Colonial First State Imputation Fund 11. 55 -0. 9 6. 1 20. 5 Perpetual Industrial Share Fund 11. This Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is provided in two parts: Part 1 Colonial First State Imputation: Risks to investors and type of investors to whom it's favorable! (With examples & figures) The Imputation Fund for Colonial First State and its 177,000 existing shareholders have experienced a terrible three years. 14% Understanding the difference between fund types can help you identify the best investment options for your needs. 38 - 8. The prospectus for the Colonial First State Managed Investment Funds (dated 9 June 1999, and supplemented to September 1, 2000) has been lodged with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and is available from Colonial First State. Institutional and Master trusts . 02 -0. targeting Australian growth companies with highly franked dividends. Please use BLOCK letters and tick appropriate boxes. CFS FC Inv-Colonial First State Imputation KNZ6 15. 2 7. 3 month (%) 6 month (%) 1 year (%) pa 3 years (%) pa 5 years (%) pa 10 years (%) pa Since inception Inception date Fund size Investment Option Profile - November 2024 First Sentier Imputation Jan 1994 $609. wwnznqdgnbqivbuausxqpzserabhxdhrkbkczaxoqtqnwpgkdl