Wow mage forums eu. Im a noob so dont know much about wotlk.

Wow mage forums eu Arenas. Let alone the spell push back! But just overall it’s horrible, tried making it some sort of utility class and it imo sucks. Aesthetically I like Mage, but Warlock seems easier to pick up and more forgiving class. Season of Discovery. Mage Forum. Coming back to WoW after a long break. Pharohe-stormscale October 7, 2024, 1:07pm 2. You can port from the tower in your garrison to the zones but thats a one way ticket, come to think of it its kinda like reporting bugs these days you send them and nothing gets done for 1 year maybe if you are lucky When you try to click the portals to get back to the garrison it does not work. The War Within Beta All classes’ Hero Talent trees are available for testing. Darkglare-kazzak November 22, 2023, 10:39pm 1. system How much do they differ from one another? I would really like to focus on at least one of them, but I have only leveled mage to a max level, so my knowledge about them is limited. When Concentrated Coolness pvp talent is active, Everlasting Frost talent does not increase the Frozen Orb duration by 2 seconds. So, I decided to try mage and I decided to go FIRE. For this class, in Season 4, I would like the look from: Für diese Klasse wünsche ich mir in Saison 4 das Aussehen aus: Para esta clase y en la temporada 4, me gustaría el aspecto de la temporada: Pour cette classe, dans la saison 4, je préfère l’apparence issue de : Per questa classe, nella Stagione 4, vorrei l’aspetto del set della Hi there, only played WoW for few months now and currently playing Mage, I also like the look of Rogue. As far as how the runs have gone, I think it’s ok. I completely understand the AE nerf to healing, but it kind of feels like mages were only relevant due to an abuse of game mechanics and now they are completely sunk. Search forums: I am thinking of creating a horde mage. Look here for posts from the development team as adjustments and bugfixes are made throughout the testing period. I am draenei mage. Mage. It has healing yes but before I even apply vampiric touch and pain, other classes kill the mobs must be the WoW Classic 20th Anniversary will introduce fresh servers and true Hardcore servers to the Classic Within the NA and EU regions, GDKP (Gold Dragon Kill Points) Storied loot such as Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (four versions for Druid, Mage, Priest, and Warlock) and Corrupted Ashbringer could be yours. Today Blizzard have announced a removal of double dipping on Burden of Power. This Discord server WoW Classic. Maybe switching mains. PVP. Adamzky-living-flame September 29, 2024, 12:03pm 1. It’s genuinelly broken I’ve seen other posts about it but from when ret paladins are doing 180M in mythics and i’m barely getting to 80M It’s making it pointless to keep playing it unless i’m doing PVP ? nothing new, mage has been the most nerfed class in historyu, im tired to pretend or explain it lmao. Displacement, given to all Mages. Do you guys know if Mages are looking fun and strong for the Shadowlands? Is it a class worth rolling? I’m generally not an alt-maker so I’m looking for a main I can stick to for And Mages are not tanky casters, and Mages don't have any other mobility. Any hope for fire? Discuss all aspects of Mages here. Further more, and more likely, “Mage” is a gender neutral term whereas you have wizard/witch and sorcerer/sorcereress. 2: 95: How can you beat a frost mage if every single thing he does puts a 90% snare on you? And if you by some miracle manage to get into melee range, you get frozen and stunned by that ring a I am asking because I don’t know. 1. Not looking to top metters or to be meta, would like to stick with one for a long time. Therefore, I’m particularly interested in learning how Shadow Priest and Warlock differ from Mage and how would each of them fare in PvE and PvP. i love the idea, personally i know alot of people that roleplay their spriest as a void mage, so why not just add it as a spec? before you say (bro spriests exist) yes but why should they be the only ones using void energy, even warlocks use I’ll make this quick and easy. World of Warcraft Forums Shimmer macro. What is better if i prefer questing and getting to dungeons only for quests: single target talent build or aoe is also great for questing? 1 Like. Journey through never-before-seen subterranean worlds filled with hidden wonders and lurking perils, down to the dark depths of the nerubian empire, where the malicious Harbinger of the Void is gathering arachnid forces to bring Azeroth to its Frostmage current state in Shadowlands: After a very weak start to the expansion due to several nerfs implemented just before expansion launch, frostmage had a very rough time for the majority of the patch, being dead last in the castle nathria charts and extremely weak in M+. Amen. Fixed an issue with They’re Both Footballs?. No feedback mages thread? Rofl. Sticky: Mage Transmogrification « 1 2 3 113 » Replies: 2,257; Views: 3,515,902; Rating5 / 5; Last Post By. Water Elemental assist is not working, pet isn’t assisting at all (standing still) Procs not showing in UI like it used to ( Fingers of Frost + Frostfire Bolt ) Is it just World of Warcraft Forums /cast Displacement doesn't work. system (system) closed September 29, 2024, 6:56pm 2. For example on Zul in Uldir, if you blink directly to platform it'll bug, but if you blink with "some angle" sometimes it's ok, sometimes it bugs. And now supernova, and because you’re doing it you consider it a good time to make us choose between Dragons Breath AND give it an extra 20 second Currently, the Magetower timewalking challenge has been broken since the TWW prepatch. This effect stacks up to 5 times and requires the But is the fire mage any good at this? Loading. Frost-What takes priority: 2 charges of Flurry or 2 stacks of Fingers of Frost? Why do Arcane Mage Developers’ notes: Frostfire is still underperforming for both Frost and Fire. AT purged 8 out of 10, so what do you think is in the dev team’s brain when they want to change AT to be affected by dampening. Deränee-ragnaros July 12, 2023, 2:05pm 2. that might be because you He Sells Maraudon boost but DC after he gets the Gold. Frozen Orb called down by Cold Front talent, does not make World of Warcraft Forums Mage. World of Warcraft Forums Mage campaign bug. Verminosis-stormscale March 13, 2024, 3:05pm 2. Im not very experienced with mage, still learning and gearing, but it seems it can not offer anything at least in BG like 2x less damage than any hunter in BG. Community. does it scale to a set point, or does it scale by a set factor? I believe it’s the former, and therefore the difficulty won’t change with 11. Sinivohveli-draenor October 21, 2019, 5:30pm 1. Hi all, Wanted to ask you guys for your opinion about mage, I’m playing arcane , got item level 361 I haven’t played for long time in WoW, came back after 6 years break, playing as mage as I remember I had lots of fun with him back ago, I’m type of pvp, BG and generally playing against other is getting me biggest joy however I’m struggling with one thing - its mage defend what is your thoughts on (void) be the new spec for mages lore wise there is nothing stopping mages from tapping into the void. Im still leveling since she is an alt and i worry if i messed up. Living Bomb damage increased by 25%. I play it most of the time with my significant other, however when my partner is busy and I am not, I have little to nothing to do (already farmed all the flowers I have the patience for). Rogue is my favorite, but the exp is much slower. Don’t realy wanna change the bind cause I There used to be an addon, which created a countdown bar which looked similar to the in game healthbars and castbars which counted down the sheep time left. Now arcane Hi there, I’d like to draw attention to some bugs affecting mage talents and abilities since DF launch. Ouymiergnliu-draenor July 12, 2023, 1:18pm 1. Loading Just announced some buffs to all 3 of the specs- Mage Arcane Arcane Blast damage increased by 6%. I tried CCC (cc classic) but it creates a lot of other bars as well (Frostbolt, Frost Nova etc. I have two classes at lvl 10 – rouge and mage and warlock. Yakiniku-ashbringer January 2, 2021, 2:48pm 1. The portal INTO the portal room just stopped working for me entirely. World of Warcraft Forums Frost mage questing Aoe build vs single target. I would like to know: Is there a viable up-to-date guide for fire mages? If yes, please lmk where to look. 0 PTR 10. enchants: weapon - demonslaying (stuns kruul) trinkets: Ravaged Shifting Shards and Signature Hero Spells are red since todays patch. World of Warcraft Forums Klassen Magier. Frost Frostbolt damage increased by 20%. Running out of mana when doing m+ as firemage since anniversary patch. People telling this affect their dps. We’re targeting buffs to Frostfire’s various procs and providing a more substantial throughput buff via Fire Mastery’s Haste value. Just to be clear though, i’m not talking about changing any existing spec just adding a 4th. If you need the run speed or blink in combat, you might want to add a key modifier Hello! As you can see from my very lovely cow face portrait, I have a main shaman. system (system) closed November 22, 2024, 1:52am 6 Need a female mage name for my blood elf any good names? Loading <style> html { overflow-y: revert !important; } #d-splash { display: none; } </style> New buffs stealth added to mages in SoD: Fingers of Frost: Increased chance to proc from 15% to 25% Ice Lance: Damage against Frozen targets increased from 300% to 400%. WoW Classic General Discussion. Arizava-gehennas July 23, 2022, 8:20pm 1. Can any rogues or mages give me some advice on how to improve ? And also any macros I’ll need to start to eventually push my rating upwards 🙂 For this specialization, in Season 4, I would like the bonuses (updated) from: Für diese Spezialisierung wünsche ich mir in Saison 4 die (aktualisierten) Boni aus: Para esta especialización y en la temporada 4, me gustarían los bonus (actualizados) de: Pour cette spécialisation, dans la saison 4, je préfère les bonus (actualisés) issus de : Per questa I used to dabble with mage, and currently do still dabble with a priest alt. General Discussion. Hey guys returning player with a rotational schedule here. It’s not like he was online 24/7 trying the mage tower, i simply stated that i got the message 10 days later. What is or what Getting ready to play a Mage in Classic? Can u help me find addon for mage rotation? Are mages bad in PvP ? How is Arcane? World of Warcraft Mage community Hot Takes for Mage Talents and Class design as a whole, from a casual player. World of Warcraft Forums Fire mage doing old content solo. Not sure if this is a bug. Aegle-bloodfang January 23, 2020, 7:28pm 1. Now I’m Hello How does loot specialization work for mages, i have no clue that this thing was even implemented as i have missed three expansions, MOP - WOD - Legion. Rather than distribute this bonus through a myriad of spells, So recently I came back to wow after a long break, tryd out arc mage, played the story for tww, did a lot of questing and finally decided that I wanted to go and raid (mind you this is like 2 months ago. Why no one Ok, this is just silly and unobtainable (imo) at the moment. I’ve tried frost and I’m not really feeling it. Escortpigen-gehennas October 6, 2024, 1:49pm 1. Advanced Search. I have 2 mages on Firemaw and Flamegor, and Flamegor one has this issue. Shadow Priest feels very weak. I’m not a fan of the raid format, so I will focus on Mythic+ World of Warcraft Forums Mage Bugs in Cataclysm. Class The current Mage class tree has a variety of talents which offer a variety of Mage Forum. Out of the two “if any” would you say is the easier of the two to master and get to grips of? What has the easier rotation etc. Shashak-ravencrest March 13 10 days to beat mage tower. Have yet to try arcane. Likely to be close to meta in m+ due to the way the keys are scaling, survivability will be more important than dps. Everyone is a low level. 0 with better gameplay then we’ve seen in years for arcane these new changes makes it kind of a disappointment to play. Glacial Spike damage increased by 10% Unquote" I still can’t decide which class to play on the pvp realm. 10: 71: January 15, 2025 LFR QoL improvements? General Discussion. Idc about tuning, if something is not fun at all to play. what stats do you aim for, how many % of each? Naviic-ravencrest October 19 World of Warcraft Forums Mage tips/macros? PVP. It was hard and had to dance and jump all over the place. Discuss all aspects of Mages here. Naviic-ravencrest October 5, 2024, 7:11am 1. I am thinking of putting points into fire World of Warcraft Forums Mage question. Hunter, Warlock and Shaman seem to have won hard with the likes of Explosive Shot, Chaos Bolt, Molten Blast. Checked those tier stats it relay one of the worst class atm . How This is the WoW Classic Server Discords, please post if any changes Class: Druid: https://discord. What do you guys think? Are there easier builds out there? I look at the wowhead and icy veins guides and it makes me feel like I should be browsing job boards for heart surgeon jobs instead. I play on a PVE realm so don’t World PvP but I really like BG’s/Raiding and maybe some tiny amount of Arena but not much. As time went by, the two aura buffs we received certainly changed things, we’re not a “top For all your class discussion needs. Cataclysm Classic Discussion. Pure Lightning Spec ty!-Shock-Thunderbolts-Nova-Lightning Form-Crackling Teleport-Telekinesis-Lightning Shield-Lightning Hydra-Shock Mines -Flight World of Warcraft Forums Are arcane mages good in 10. Same with the mage i wont heal raids but dungeons maybe. Kalligos-ravencrest March 13, 2024, 11:52am 1. Greetings everyone , Before i post here i did some research at YouTube / wowhead and /2 ingame but i have some issues noone can help with. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. 0: 2: January 9, 2025 11. I had high hopes for War Within, but unfortunately, the issues with Arcane Mage remain unchanged. Avantheria-argent-dawn September 6, 2020, 12:22am 1. Currently when I try to do the holy priest mage tower, I cannot attack any mobs with single target spells, AOE works. If your choice is between ele shaman or mage, I believe mage is the safest option. Mark This Forum Read View Parent Forum; Search Forum. Mage, meanwhile, has a very boring chest slot ( Burnout, passive crit ), Living Flame is 1 min CD and the other spells don’t look all that exciting either. Classes Increased the amount of threat that tanks generate to help smooth out initial snap threat issues and help tanks better keep up with some of the more After all the uproar about the double dip removal on Nether Precision a couple of weeks back Blizz reverted the change, which was good because it makes the spec more fun to play. 8k. Drinking every 2 mobs while a hunter ( really most other classes ) just keep pulling, now with 30% more So I was lucky enough to grab the class item for mage this reset turns out its bugged, short story: World of Warcraft Forums Mage class-item from BWL. I know that mage is very strong on classic, it gets exp quickly, has portals and other things. The upside of playing a shaman is having the option to fill different roles, but if you are set on playing a caster, I do not see it being worth it to ignore the upside that mage has 3 caster specs. So I was World of Warcraft Forums Answering questions about frost. How does that work and what specialization should i set it in. (With Arcane Momentum, even though if facing forward). Mark This Forum Search Forum. 2. 26: 987: December 21, 2024 Healers lower mmr than dps in ss is the biggest turn off. Does not apply to PvP. Please keep in mind that World of Warcraft Forums Frost mages. gg\yuXzvFG Hunter: https://discord. 1 gearing, etc. Are Mages supposed to start with Invisibility now? Signature spell talent reded out? Frost mage in PVP Advice. Ccru-pyrewood-village April 28, 2024, 5:23am 1. Live PTR 10. For all your non-Blizzard game discussions. Ray of Frost damage increased by 40%. system (system) closed October 17, 2022, 12:37pm 8. Korgakk-moonglade June 10, 2023, I’m playing through legion as a mage and doing the campaign, I just did the 5 vargoths trials quest, but after I turned that in no more appeared anywhere in my class hall, what should I do? Hello fellow Mages! In the Fractures in Time PTR, we have some updates coming to both the Class and Arcane talent trees. Hi everyone, I stepped Into the arena for the first time on my mage yesterday and played rogue mage which was really fun. Tahrikmotoru-mirage-raceway September 15, 2022, This is the retail mage forum. 2: 110: January 15, Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. Only rule ifcthis naming convention is it has to start with M. WoW Classic. Answering “Answering questions” like you did in the other “I’m X Rio Mage, ama” and then you never answered anyone. I just run through it and do not get teleported, any solutions? 2 Likes . If I can do it at any time, is it actually achievable right now or does scaling make it impossible? Is there any Greetings, I am interested to start my journey in retail and to prepare myself for the next expansion. Fire mages should be redesigned from the ground up completely. I wanna play a caster alt. Like to be able to help other people. Although this has been my favorite game for a long time, I no longer find it enjoyable, and I want to explain why. Show Threads Show Posts. I’m a Hunter at heart and if the classes would be somewhat balanced late endgame there would be no doubt at all and I would go Hunter all the way. 💀 — In a ideal world, where both classes performed exactly the same in PvP, I know which one I would choose based on fantasy and playstyle (but I won’t tell you cause that would Remember the quest where we have to kill an apprentice of an undead mage and a dusin of other mages, just because he feel a lot of hate. Fire has way too many buttons to do the same World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ Now Live! Get back in the fight as you defend Azeroth from the shadows below. Quote" Mage Fire Flamestrike damage increased by 15%. I did all the scenarios in Legion, on most if not all classes, but I’d like to do them again to get the book mount, and I’m wondering if it will be Discuss all aspects of Mages here. Even the overcharged armor looks nice but 5 secs for a mage it’s nothing. Discuss all things World of Warcraft World of Warcraft Forums Fire Mage rework. Frost-What takes priority: 2 charges of Flurry or 2 stacks of Fingers of Frost? Why do Arcane How to react to getting both Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost By Thezanman, June 26, 2021 1 reply; Kuni; June 28, 2021 Players currently on the World of Warcraft EU Frost Mage Solo Shuffle PvP leaderboard Hot Takes for Mage Talents and Class design as a whole, from a casual player. I’m sure many of us have first-hand experience with the problems concerning mage-only RP guilds (and how their longevity is seemingly doomed) or the lack of organized magic RP for the stray mage in a non-mage guild. Edit: Forgot to link page World of Warcraft Forums Cannot use Stormwind mage-tower portal. Why? There’s got to be some other way of tuning the spec that doesn’t involve changing it Order threads in Ascending Order; Descending Order; Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order' will show the newest results first. We went from a somewhat controlled playstyle in Sunfury with some occasional procs like orb barrage, our tier, clearcasting to now be a complete rng machine. Shifting Power does not reduce cooldowns of Snowdrift and Frost Bomb. But I can’t seem to work it out, I’ve loved mage since back in vanilla but this is the first time I have issues doing Discuss all aspects of Mages here. Feeling blessed now that zoo specs gonna suffer. Using each toy will now count toward achievement progress. I want to play pvp and battlegrounds and I plan to Same with the mage i wont I have both at 16 but only have time for one I like both equally same with casters and melee dps like them both Which one would you pick and why ? I wont be tanking raids maybe dungeons. I felt that I did extremely well for my gear, I know it was only +2 but I can’t see how higher mythics are gonna be bad with better gear. Now my “main” i’m not sure yet is dk’s, blood since Cata but i kinds like Frost and a bit unholy ( since Cata everything changed and it seems they hit like noodles or frost being addicted to random/crit procs to do World of Warcraft Forums Big thanks to fire mage buffs. We’re also working on changes for Fire and Frost in future PTR builds. Tomatoes-stormscale May 8, 2024, 10:00pm 1. Can some kind person confirm how the mage tower scaling works please? i. Is it possible to get it after 110 ? I keep doing the daily ghost hunting at Hello, Argent Dawn! I wonder what’s everyone’s favourite RP race for mages. 10: 64: WoW Classic General Discussion. I found out that what Hi guys, Ive just finished my legendary yesterday on my arcane and decided to do a mythic. Deadpøøl-twilights-hammer April 6, 2024, 3:45am 1. So much RNG, large NPC health pools and high dps towards players that even with moderate ilvl’s (607) it’s undoable. That’s just pathetic. I would like to put my hands on one of these two classes but I am a bit undecidable, since I like them both thematically and aesthetically. Pyroblast damage increased by 5%. Classes. 5. Any tips to improve, perhaps? Mage - World of Warcraft Forums Loading Searching for a guild, or do you want to advertise your guild? Come on in! So after a fun couple of weeks in 11. Support. gg\YxGeSSb Mage: https://discord I would like some suggestions in a female Nightbourne arcane mage name. Please note that off-topic or inappropriate posts will be strictly removed. Blìnkinpark-ravencrest September 4, 2023, 9:09am #1. I So, I decided to try mage and I decided to go FIRE. What if i want to target a certain trait like the blaster master or if i want to target gear with haste and mastery. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last Hello all. Naxxaramas is it good right now and do you guys think its fun for pve/pvp? I’m looking forward to your opinions! cheers Hi everyone! 🙂 I’m looking to get into casters for PvP, and I’m hoping to get some feedback based on peoples experiences to make my choice easier 🙂 I’m stuck between Mage and Lock. I know looks are important to some, as you have to look at it for a length of time, but are any of the racial traits useful at high end content? I’m looking at arcane spec, and yes i know at the moment they seem to be suboptimal compared to other classes, but I love mages. Yes i do know how to play, yes I understand the mechanics. e. 🙂 Troll Mages, what are they exactly? Is there a better word for them? Do they suit in a specific Class has been a punching bag since p1 for PvP. Search forums: World of Warcraft Mage community discussion. Алвендор-flamegor May 11, 2024, While observing, i discovered that issue is not replicable on EN version of the client, only on RU in my case. And usually it’s all different for my other characters. Jxka-drakthul October 28, 2024, 3:18pm 1. Joaquin-draenor December 21, 2020, 12:40pm 1. Players with experience, could u please write pros/cons for them for both pve/pvp? Tha They are broken. World of Warcraft Forums Mage. 5: 363: January 9, 2025 State of Evoker(Dev) PvP? 5: 335: January 9, 2025 Make Hey’all! This mage is only 446, which I know is low but I know what kind of damage I ‘should’ be doing. I’m aliance player, I’ve always played alliance. For me, it is clearly void elves. Maybe its an easy fix?! We are currently in prepatch with nothing really for veteran I noticed they somehow don’t spam their selling portal services in Kargath but when you login or hearthstone to there you get instantly invited they are like bots. system (system) closed November 22, 2024, 8:05am 2. Armitagex-burning-legion November 24, Hello all! I cant post on the bug report forums since they are in US and I don’t really know where to, so I will post it here. Hey guys Hey guys, i’ve decided to start playing mage and i really want to get as good as possible with it, trynna be like Mitch/Xaryu since i Putting aside all the difficulty of implementing this, i’d love to see a mage healing spec. As to whether or not it actually fixed it, I’ve not bothered to try. I am Thats all? This will fix what exactly please someone explain me. I must say I found my mage to be extremely strong, with my gear 177 ilvl I hit nearly 4k overall with second person being 1. As the title says , im trying to get the Hidden Artifact Appearance for my Frost Mage. I don’t have a team to play fire to make pulls specificly for my cds and push above 21 keys. It’s a fun class also (not Frost though, leave out this “press whatever shines” borefest). Hey guys, went back to my mage roots like in original WotLK, but I have a couple of questions I’m hoping somebody knows decisively: Should I always pop haste buffs (like engineering gloves) before putting up living bomb? Or is there a specific haste breakpoint id have to hit to get another tick to make it have any effect? Combustion on opener after scorch living Community forums work best when participants treat their fello 2: 2962: November 21, 2022 Idea: Evoker second Chosen Identity. I am stumped. So I joined this The mage (also called magus, magician or wizard) is a damage-dealing spell-caster that specializes in burst damage and area of effect spells. new PVP boss! is unhealble that damage. Vincentbbc-mograine December 26, 2023, Is it really big difference in pvp between human mage and gnome? Or i I noticed I was sometimes tapping Alter Time more than once in combat and just putting it on cooldown, so I replaced it with the following macro, which still allows you to double-tap it for blink reset & run speed boost when out of combat, but gives it a 1 second cooldown when in combat. Hello, Do anyone know of any Hello, Do anyone know of any good mage focused streamers or youtubers? I was considering trying out some new specs and traits, and would like to hear some tips or guides. I tried stopping all the addons, restarting the game, repairing but nothing helps, so I think that is a bug. Try your luck here, maybe. I am torn between a mage or a priest. Nicolay Title says , i got them both to lvl 26 and literally stuck:( I want to do both pve/pvp. Mass invisibility, given to all Mages. Zepdeffelin-tarren-mill September 21, 2023, 9:48pm 1. Order threads in Ascending Order; Descending Order; Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order' will show the newest results first. Is there another addon you could recommend? Something simple, only to keep an eye on the Mage; Page 1 of 696 1 2 3 11 51 101 501 Last. Feels like the buffs is not in ? like frostfire infusion 50% is not in for sure In this thread, we’ll be testing and talking about Mages in The War Within. Dear Blizzard, I’m writing to share my feedback as I prepare to quit World of Warcraft. seems like the damage with these is kind of weird. Quite difference but hey, i get that you gotta complain. No damage buff will fix this. Hope World of Warcraft Forums Frost buffs 11. When using Blink/Shimmer in the Necropolis area of Necrotic Wake to teleport forward, instead it teleports you to left or right side. The issue right here is that you don’t really Mage is easier than DH for sure (she’ll sit there forever trying to get a group). But! I have no little knowledge about them, which is why I came here to ask the trustworthy Roleplaying Community. — vs. 46: 310: (EU) the war whitin. Took you a couple of weeks in the previous phase to fix it but this 2-2 water is digusting atm and probably one of the Welcome to the mage forums, Veneryen! To answer your first question, there should be always at least one mage spec that remains decent in the end-game content, so you should be fine when rolling a mage long-term. Please fix, thanks. Arcane now do Also all 3 mage specs are pretty average now. Mage dps in BFD is so low that other classes are doing as much as three times our dps. This topic was automatically closed 30 Please fix - They exist since SL launch. Please revert the supernova change. What is or what should be a fire mage’s top spell on the meters? From what I’ve discovered, it is some fire dot most of the time (I think it’s IGNITE, could be wrong). Qqstefykk-burning-legion August 18, 2019, I’m a night elf mage and even tho just now i visited stormwind i don’t have the teleport to stormwind spell, i I can’t decide if I should go Hunter or Mage. wait for the people below to say “nice bait troll” no im dead serious. Cathering to more casual players we now can choose between 2 other AoE possibilites and keep the FoF build at the same time. Sorbeteis-venoxis December 22, 2021, 8:50pm 1. Diskuss 2: 1798: 14 No one wants a frost mage in their m+ group. ) which I don’t need. So, given WoW is based (to a point) upon D&D my educated guess would be they used Mage in order to exclude people’s preconceptions of how the class would play. Fire’s of course the most fun spec! HOTFIXES December 20, 2024 Achievements Khaz Algar Safari now awards Waxwick as intended. can break Blink/Shimmer. Im so bored of getting out healed and out ranged and massively out dps by Boomkins particularly. Mage is quite a fun dps spec and is blessed by bloodlust and has an easier time pugging than most because of it. I’ve watched every guide there currently is, specced for elune’s chosen and made sure to; carry consumables moonfire macro for the eye’s DBM for drainlife warning But alas to no avail. do you think Arcane seems to be the strongest mage spec. General: Alter Time even if it’s free of GCD has an internal CD that doesn’t allow you to use it immediately. Discuss Classes in World of Warcraft Classic. Fireball damage increased by 10%. I am trying to figure out which one to chose. Shot, pulling and kiting and not their damage output at all. Now I hear though, that Hunter is really quite weak in late endgame and are only really brought for Tranq. I am intrested in doing m+ and solo old content like raids and dungeons. New topic. I had a lobby against dev, ele, priest and BM. There were things I liked about both World of Warcraft Forums Topic Replies Views Activity; Really still killing lvl 1 in Punderstorm. SO I want an alt. Fire: We need at least as big of a rework as Paladins. You come into forum to whine and tell people that they shouldn’t use the spec they love. Since I know quite some knowledge about the Kaldorei and Highborne and all, I know Trolls are their ancestors. 2? Classes. Stalkerkgs-boulderfist (Stalkerkgs) December 13, 2018, 1:29pm 1. Reenact-draenor December 25, 2023, This is a classic forum that doesn’t exist. played it in every expansion, bfa and sl except the 2 patches before they were nerfed, felt terrible people emoting you on your dps outside combustion, and during combustion wall, and emote again, World of Warcraft Forums 4th Spec Lightning: Its time! Classes. But is the I’m just coming back to wow and was wondering how fire is doing this expansion. 10 days on subscription based video game. What would you add to the mage toolkit? anyone else miss the water elemental? What do y'all think about Arcane Tempo? Why does Crit sim so good for frost mage? Do Fire Discuss World of Warcraft Lore or share your original fan fiction, or role-play. Im a noob so dont know much about wotlk. Alloktonos-ravencrest October 28, 2022, 9:50am 1. Also when your other frost spells deal damage to a non-player controlled target, they increase the target’s damage taken from your next Ice Lance to 20%. It is accurate to say that at least 1 So, since a lot of people had the time to experience it during classic wow, I’ll ask purely for PVP, as I know that alliance is straight up better for pve for mage, it’s not even a contest: I’m going to roll a mage as an alt (although I’ll play it a lot), and I have to ask: does it feel worse to pvp as a gnome mage than it does when you’re an undead mage? My thought Hey everyone, the forum post was due for an update. I do have a druid that is 80 but it’s just a profession alt, so has no decent gear. The decision whether should they abandon the arcane altogether and focus on using the void or perhaps combine the two Honestly posts like these is the last thing this game needs right now. system (system) closed November 28, 2024, 9:29pm 6. I can see the reason bcs I’m nowhere around of a pally or shaman on overall. Frost buffs 11. system (system) closed November 20, 2019, 5:51pm World of Warcraft Forums Mage. Fire Fire Blast damage increased by 12%. Fire Developers’ notes: Fire has been underperforming in single target and could use some help. Mage just brings so much to the table that you can get into higher keys than you prolly should. Looks like it’s not only visual bug. But why play a hello! i am a frost mage lvl 60 and i would like to spend some gold in gear but i dont know what is the best gear for that lvl for pve and pvp ! also how can i increase my speed i saw lot of ppl have good speed and me 0 😛 So, basically the title, how it is in reality? Ok, gear will make it easy etc but let’s take that away for a moment then add something about it as well if needed. I have kept myself informed every week since alpha launched(I’m not in beta) and I must say that so far Im really really happy with all the mage changes, including all the hero trees, as am arcane main I think 99% of the problems the spec had were solved and fire and frost are also greatly improved thanks to the hero trees, but there is still one or two things that really World of Warcraft Forums Mage tower trinkets. I spend lots of time to get in +17s and they are usually with the lowest rating players. Not asking for class nerfs, but please stop giving us damage that relies on huge cast times, specific class World of Warcraft Forums WoW Classic. Mages dies fast with a barrier, let alone without. Server Thunderstrike World of Warcraft Forums WoW Classic. I’m still learning and my iLev is only around195 I think. They just double my dps on 3-4 target pulls with 2 insta casts. Ocasionally I may do some M+ dungeons with a friend (low keys mostly) and most of the time I do the casual stuff, like Dailies, Weeklies, rares, etc. You can avoid inviting Frost Mages into your keys if you don’t want to but you CAN’T tell people what they should or shouldn’t play. so What level is your mage? If you are too low mobs will resist more often. My side mouse button that shimmer is bound to became very sensitive and started double clicking. macro: /cast Mage. Thema Antworten Aufrufe Aktivität; Dieses Forum ist dafür vorgesehen, euch ein freundliches und familiäres Umfeld zu schaffen, um mit anderen Spielern über das Thema zu diskutieren. WoW Classic Classes. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the I am levelling a frost mage, once I get ice barrier. World of Warcraft Forums Mage streamers? Classes. I’d like to go after the Fel Werebear form just to have it. What is a fire mage’s win condition? Is a fire mage After countless attempts to reach product/dev, sending statistics and before/after analysis compared to other classes and specs - all of which were unanswered - i’ve decided to cancel my aubscription to wow as mage is the only class for me - and when i got tired from frost after many years playing it - arcane pulled me back into the game with TWW ptr. What’s the general opinion on the new focus on living bomb? I’m kinda into it as long as it’s functional. Like seriously I’m ilvl 465 and can barely beat the tank in DPS. Does anybody actually know how this guy works? He’s the guy standing next to the Shattrath portal in the Orgrimmar portal room, and sometimes he’ll portal me to Blasted Lands, sometimes to Hellfire Peninsula (and the dark portal to go back out doesn’t work?) and sometimes he’ll refuse a portal entirely. Below, we’ll cover some high-level changes as well as our plans moving forward. 5 is comming. ) I’m not the best player in the world and need alot of replaying the same content/raid to understand my class and rotation! U can say I’m a semi casual. 0 Dev Changes. Karpanen-deathwing August 30, 2024, 6:56pm 1. My shaman is a healer, so I am more Look, I’m not here to say mages need to be top tier or anything. Jump to page: Forum Tools. If you have Mage; Page 1 of 696 1 2 3 11 51 101 501 Last. Mages are well known for their formidable damage output, as well as their range of crowd World of Warcraft Forums PVP Arenas. Technical Support. Wowhead is proud to be an official Partner with Discord and it seemed only appropriate that we spread the love to other relevant communities by providing a supplemental list of useful Discord servers* for World of Warcraft. 0: 62: December Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums Loading World of Warcraft Forums Mage portals. World of Warcraft Forums Classes Mage. I enjoy playing as a mage DPS and honestly, I likely wouldn’t play anything else if it did have heals as I enjoy that too. Aff, sp the mage T2 set bonuse would have us use a spell we have not used since P1 SoD and as long as frostfire bolt and balefire bolt remains stronger than fireball i dont see the point why us mages would want to go for 6 pieces T2 the 2set bonus is nice but if 4 set bonus and 6 set bonus does not trigger with frostfire and balefire bolt i dont think going for 6set is a option World of Warcraft Forums Arcane mage need serious nerf. Title Replies / Views Last Post By. Good job nerfing main dmg 30% againwhat an joke buff ichiles dmg or some other spells rip icelance. 0. Is this available at any time or do I need to wait until the Legion Timewalking event in Feb? I’ve read conflicting takes on this. Nope. Sometimes i even wonder why i bother i know deep Hello, I am looking for pure DPS class, preferably range and came up with these two. Would like to hear from people who play these classes about Friends tell me Ele is easier than mage. One poster in this thread on mmo-champion writes about the Undercity Mages Order, and I don’t think it sounds wrong, that this is the place they would belong to. Hi! I’d like to ask about the lore of Troll Mages. Currently maining an Ele/Resto Shammy as it’s in my opinion the next For all things World of Warcraft Classic. No, the spec isn’t set in stone yet, the class however is. Arcane: Mass Invisibility breaks The vast consensus and feedback seems to be, that mages currently are not fun to play, and it’s not a tuning issue. Welcome to the new post on the Mage Quarter - the AD Mage RP Discord. Not only they’re elven mages (which is very thematically fitting in itself), but the race also allows for dilemmas regarding their void usage. I like them both but still undecided which to go. Every texture border, little rock or 5 pixels platform, strand of grass, etc. Stop giving Mage every single thing that Arcane had that was unique. Mcdonaldsfan-emerald-dream October 23, 2024, 8:05am 1. As fire I for real do ~50k+ dps and frost around 80k. I don’t know exactly what went wrong, but according to some Youtubers (shout out to Fluffy Guides), the enemies have been buffed to 200 ilvl, but not the players - we’re still stuck at 120 ilvl. I considered a Shadow Priest cause I like dots but hate pets (quite done with warlocking) but apparently those guys suck absolute donkey right now. When i use touch of the magi on target dummies it does like 10 times more damage compared to when i use it in dungeons? Whats up with that? Márauder-alleria January 2, 2021, 3:13pm 2. Topic Replies Views Proposal for Revitalizing WoW PVP and Adressing Key Issues. Arcane Missiles damage increased by 10%. Fixed an issue with Displacement not working if Arcane Momentum was learned. Sticky: Mage Transmogrification « 1 2 3 113 » Replies EU-English Servers; Recruitment - EU-German Servers; Recruitment - EU World of Warcraft Forums Mage waters. What addon do the use is it legal? EU Frost Mage Solo Shuffle Leaderboard Showing 500 of 4952 Filter Show All (or scroll down to view more) Sorting Rank Rating Name Realm Faction Race Class Spec Guild W - L Win % 1: As an arcane mage this needs to be said, because i know someone wil be like “bruh, your class just got a whole rework” what rework did we get exactly ? the class is exactly the same, plus 1 spell, and with even a few nerfs the rotation are almost identical, with the exeception of getting [Shifting Power] earlier, all the rest stays the same, im mostly talking pvp I don’t see the situation improving at 60 either, dispellable icy veins on 3min cd, arcane surge useless, arcane blast crap in pvp with pushback and long cast time, arcane missiles inefficient, arcane spells range is atrocious Fire mages aren’t great in pvp, dots break sheep so living bomb not a good idea in situations where poly is important, less survivability Frost with I’m not sure why, but out of most specs in the game, I find fire mage really hard and complex to play. Topic Replies Views Activity; Best mage race (horde) 1: 26: January 5, 2025 Any Dev's moves with Mages speccs? 1: 157: December 31, 2024 Dropped health last few days. I know fire is a S spec right now and I also know they have a special rotation to actually do damage. Threads in This Forum. I get it. I enjoy very much in supportive roles in the games and on the range. Naviic-ravencrest October 19, 2024, 9:09pm 1. cxfom lossy rzni kprs fwe nncnj pyqdjy vvrc uwhs bqlrip