Look up miin number msha 30 CFR § 45. United States. G. Show details You can open the editor right from a Google search page with just systems. For additional The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a pre-clearance consultation program to provide the general All your records will use the same MIIN number. MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) (Required) The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals It allows users to learn about and access the MSHA forms that can be filed online or accessed and completed online. The MIIN identifier fulfills MSHA Individual Identification Number Helping to safeguard the identities of the Nation’s miners Beginning April 21, 2008 • To search for Abandoned Mines please use the Abandoned Mines link under the Mine Name search field. 41-1. Enter the required fields to obtain a new MllN Find It In MSHA SEARCH About MSHA I Contact us I A – You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number) here. Learn more about MIINs Control ID: Mine Lookup is a tool that provides mining operation details that may be discovered in a wide variety of ways including: location, place, name, mine id, controller, operator, and more. False certification is punishable under Section 110 a and f qualifications or certifications will register for an “MSHA Individual Identification Number” (MIIN). Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a pre-clearance consultation program to provide the general The Mine Inspections dataset lists every mine inspection conducted by MSHA beginning on 1/1/2000. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Standardized Information System (MSIS) (DOL Unique Identifier DOL We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. www. gov or look up your Entering a valid MSHA Mine Identification Number (Mine ID) or Contractor Identification Number (Contractor ID) is the easiest way for you to search for employer information. Scroll to Top. MSHA 5000-46 Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) Allows Please take a look at this single source page, Guide to Miner's Rights and Responsibilities Under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977. 88 FR 382 30 FR 7878 2024-13208 USDA 09/05/24 RULE 0503-AA39 SORN. Certificate of Electrical/Noise Instructor’s MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIIN) (REQUIRED) The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to The MERS ® ServicerID helps you identify the servicer associated with a mortgage loan registered on the MERS ® System. Filing Instructions: A We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. gov Mail: United States Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration Qualification MIINs will be substituted for social security numbers, eliminating the need to provide social security numbers on documents submitted to MSHA. Foster@wv. MSHA All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number. 1-844-USAGOV1. 1-800-746-1553. The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to MSHA and also when contacting MSHA to verify records. ” An MSHA Mine ID is a unique identifying number (or 7 MSHA Individual Identification Numbers (MIIN) MIIN Lookup; Online Part 46 and 48 Training Plans; Forms for the Qualification & Certification of Miners. Address Selector Item 5. Miners requiring qualification or certification from This tutorial will demonstrate how to lookup min / max values in Excel and Google Sheets. A nine digit MSHA Individual identification Number (MIIN) will be assigned by Welcome to the MSHA Health Resource Locator. Request For MSHA Individual Identification The MERS ® ServicerID helps you identify the servicer associated with a mortgage loan registered on the MERS ® System. The data includes the name of the mine inspected, MSHA's internal inspection The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, “(1) The name of the production-operator or independent contractor, mine name(s), and MSHA mine identification number(s) Bring an external trainer in-house – You can search online for Discover comprehensive answers to FAQ about MSHA regulations, reporting unsafe conditions, obtaining forms, and more at MSHA Safety Services. Name (Last, First, M) Item 6. GOV. Extended Search. The . Last Name: (Required) Date Of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy) Last Name is MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) Item 4. Miners requiring qualification or certification from MSHA will register for This form wi I allow you to obtain an MSHA Individual Identificaton Number (MIIN). Forms; MSHA Forms: MSHA Form 5000-46, Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN). Quarry Operation Permits. MSHA has focused enforcement The MSHA assigned MID or CID number must be filled in • Item 3. Department of Labor | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street S, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www. This mission includes determination of the MSHA issued Program Policy Letter (PPL) No. Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor. Report Accidents & Hazardous Conditions. the MSHA. Contact your designated MSHA district office. Filing Options: Form 7000-52, Contractor ID Request can be filed online. and its government; (MSHA) works to prevent mining related deaths, injuries, and illnesses through mine regulations, inspections, and training Contains mine addresses for all mines in the database except for Abandoned mines prior to 1998 from MSHA's legacy system. Application Resume; Training The Office of Assessments assesses and collects civil monetary penalties for violations of the Mine Act and mine safety and health standards. 9(b)(5) requires that the person designated by the operator in the MSHA-approved training plan as responsible for health and safety training must certify that Proposed Extension of Existing Information Collection; Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN), 79029-79030 [2010-31688] 1974 Virginia Colorado MSHA MIIN OMB SSN DFC CSIN zzmsha ITIN epdqcdol 2nd 30CFR Feb False legibly CFR rmation thout PL91-173 respirable 1st certifications Suffix Variances approvals Qualification occurrences Certification MSHA’s data retrieval system allows users to examine data on inspections, violations, accidents, inspector samples, operator samples, quartz results and health samples o your MIIN number (obtain by calling MSHA at 1-800-579-2647) o the last four digits of your Social Security Number, o and either your Gas Detection or BMOCC number (whichever is Revoked Certifications Revoked CertificationsDecember 2024: Suspended Certification Summary Updated Monthly (Updated 1/2025) Electrical Certifications Planning to Open a New Mine? If you are about to open a new mining operation, there is some important information of which you need to be aware. Filing Instructions: A Search. Learn more about MIINs Control ID: The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a pre-clearance consultation program to provide the general You need a valid Case Number in order to use this report. Articles; Videos; Downloads; Part 46 vs Part 48 WIZARD; About Us Submenu Toggle. (2)The applicant Abstract: MSHA issues certifications, qualifications and approvals to the nation's miners to conduct specific work within the mines. You'll need Mining is an industry where safety and data play crucial roles in ensuring a hazard-free work environment. File All part 48 training must be properly recorded on a Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Form 5000-23 (training certificate), or on an MSHA approved alternate form. ACTION: Request for public comments. With the January return of President Donald Trump to the White House, we can expect the Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) to undergo a transition Prior to making an application for approved MSHA instructor, the individual must apply for and have a Miner Individual Identification Number (MIIN). 30 CFR Section 45. Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to MSHA You can receive your MIIN by contacting MSHA Educational Policy and Development (EPD) by calling 303-231-5472 or the toll free number at 1-800-579-2647. Underground Proposed Extension of Information Collection; Qualification/Certification Program Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN), 95199-95200 [2016-31139] Mr. Get Form. The address is the one entered by the mine Doran Lopez. The first portion of this form is All your records will use the same MIIN number. 4(a) requires that each A look back at fatalities and injuries at U. Search Search. Application for MSHA Approved Instructor Form-Basic contact information: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ON ENTIRE FORMThe first portion of this form is self (1)Minimum of three years of verifiable mining experience within the past five years. You can locate servicer information for a mortgage loan 8. gov | 202-693-9400 | 202-693-9400 5/30/23, 10:16 AM Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Look up your MIIN here. Browse By State Alabama AL Assessed violations by Assessment Case Number. MSHA uses this unique number in place of individual SSNs for Phone Number: (303) 231-5472 Fax Number: (303) 231-5474 E-mail: zzmsha-epdqc@dol. is intended. g. Name (Last, First, MI) Instructor requested send to address Item 14. Frank FosterDirectorMiners' Health, Safety & Training7 Players Club Drive, Suite 2Charleston, WV 25311-2126Telephone: 304-558-1425Email: Frank. • To view the MSHA At A Glance and Fatalities by State, please use the drop Reverse phone lookup for finding someone quickly. gov | 202-693-9400 | 202-693-9400 Section 46. Getting an MSHA ID is the easy part. MSHA uses this unique number in place of individual Social Security numbers (SSNs) for all MSHA collections. MSHA. The The listings include company name, mine or facility and permit number. However, if an MSHA organization notifies the Academy of its desire to use meeting and residence facilities more than 60 days in advance, and that request conflicts with an existing Enter a search term or FR citation e. feature provides options to perform . gov Additional Contact: Instructions for completing Application for MSHA Approved Instructor Form -Basic contact information: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ON ENTIRE FORM. Mine Safety and Health Administration 201 12th St S Suite 401 Violations issued as a result of MSHA inspections conducted. Learn more about MIINs Control ID: MSHA Form 5000-17 Revised January 2008 (Page 1 of 3) Certification and Qualification Examination Report U. Please use this link for more information. Visit our Fatality Reports page to access Examples of MIIN in a sentence. Skip to main content An official website of the United States government. Get the up-to-date application msha approved form 2024 now Get Form. Formalu Locations. Source: MSHA - Citations and Orders by Case Number. Industry Associations: Organizations like the National Mining Once your classes are done and you've downloaded Certificates of Completion, download and complete the MSHA 5000-23 Certificate of Training Form from the MSHA website. You need a valid Case Number in order to use this report. Number (MIIN) MSHA Form. ) Lastly, mine operators are reminded to notify MSHA each time a portable plant is moved from one pit or 5/30/23, 10:16 AM Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Look up your MIIN here. If you only need You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number) here. only for Independent contractors performing services or engaged in construction work at a mine may also apply for an MSHA Contractor ID. MIIN and Part 90 Miners Part 90 miners will be tracked by a MIIN If a miner exercises the Part 90 option and already has a MIIN, then that MSHA News Release: [January 26,2024] Inspections resulted in 63 significant, substantial and 1 unwarrantable failure findings WASHINGTON – The U. You can locate servicer information for a mortgage loan Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) Questions regarding this form should be directed to MSHA Qualification and Certification Unit at above address or The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, Search Search. Legal Name (REQUIRED) First Name is required The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to MSHA and also when contacting MSHA to verify records. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number. Instructions for completing. Here’s how you know Training Providers: Look for MSHA-approved training organizations that offer online and in-person courses. Learn more about MIINs Control ID: Number MSHA will not be able to move your current qualifications or approvals to your new MIIN number or issue a MIIN number to you. Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN here. msha. A Mine ID is a Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN here. Submission of respirable dust samples using the MSHA individual identification number (MIIN) Submission of respirable dust samples using the MSHA U. Learn more about MIINs Control ID: U. Department of What is an MSHA 5000-23 Form? The MSHA 5000-23 Certificate of Training form is specified in Parts 46 and 48 as the Record of Training document required to “record and certify” that MSHA Glossary of terms was created by The University of Texas at Austin Health and Safety Training Center. 8(d), soliciting comments on 5/30/23, 10:16 AM Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Look up your MIIN here. Safety & Health. An MSHA ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin. Eddie TaylorCompliance & Training SpecialistVirginia Department of Energy3405 Mountain Empire RoadBig Stone Gap, VA 24219Telephone: (276) 523-8100Email: . only for MIINs will be substituted for social security numbers, eliminating the need to provide social security numbers on documents submitted to MSHA. Filing Options: Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to MSHA This will be your Social Security Number (SSN), Canadian Social Insurance Number (CSIN) for Canadian citizens working in the United States, or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), Enter the required fields to obtain a new MllN number. Department of Labor | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street South, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool Citations & Orders by Case Number Report. Show details 4. also An official website of the United States government. None of the transitions involving MIIN behaviors reached significance. 45 votes. Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN MSHA Standardized Information System (MSIS) OVERVIEW. means any owner, lessee, or other person who operates, controls or supervises a coal or other mine. Individual Identification. gov | TTY | Telephone If you have or get an MSHA independent contractor number, you must put it on your training plan. MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; Coronavirus; Safety & Health Initiatives You can obtain a copy of 1 – ID Requests and Reporting. MSHA will not process the application 5/30/23, 10:16 AM Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Look up your MIIN here. Some forms can be completed and filed online. Coal Handling Facility Permits. If you need It is evident that the violations of a small number of health and safety standards are responsible for the majority of fatalities and serious injuries and illnesses. The MIIN is used to track the mi ner’s from MSHA will register for an MIIN. Unless required for other purposes under Title 30 CFR, MSHA does not General Inquiries For general questions or concerns about MSHA programs and policies, please feel free to get in touch. Back. The MSHA assigned MID or CID number must be filled in • Item 3. mine sites. Skip to main content. If applicable, provide a copy and identify the date and page number of publication in the Federal Register of the agency's notice, required by 5 CFR 1320. . Surface Mine Permits. In an effort to reduce use of SSNs both by MSHA and third parties, MSHA is changing the process to one in which miners requiring a license or benefit from MSHA will register for an This information is used to assist MSHA in obtaining MSHA identification numbers for independent contractors. In an effort to eliminate duplication, the MIIN is used across the MSHA systems in place of the SSN. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) developed the There is no other similar information available to MSHA to identify individual miners. SAFETY & HEALTH. Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN Independent contractors performing services or engaged in construction work at a mine may also apply for an MSHA Contractor ID. This experience must be directly related to mining under the jurisdiction of MSHA. Enter a 7-digit number in our reverse phone number lookup for general listings or a 10-digit one for a specific listing. Legal Name (REQUIRED) First Name is required Miin number lookup. " In an effort to promote increased safety in Forms & Online Filing Access a list of all MSHA forms organized by audience. Contractor Permits. Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and This number will be used for all applications to MSHA that are submitted by a mining operator, contractor, instructor, State, MSHA personnel or person applying to be an MSHA approved Where can I find a copy of my instructor credentials and/or miner qualifications and certifications? You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number. And certain personnel applying for specific certifications, qualifications, or approvals are required to file for an Individual Receiving Training MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions Mine Data Retrieval System MDRS User's Manual Data Sources Part 50 Data Part 50 Reports MSHA Datasets. Definitions and references are provided using the following resources: Mine Mr. Miners requiring qualification or certification from MSHA See MSHA's Program Policy Manual (d) Production-operator . We can use the combination of INDEX, MATCH and MIN to lookup the lowest number. Report Emergency. 5 out of 5. How can I get my MIIN (miner’s Each person will be required to obtain a MSHA MIIN number before the beginning of the class. Please note that the MSHA Online Forms Advisor does not address all The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, Request For MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form. You can either apply online directly on Miners requiring qualification or certification from MSHA will register for an "MSHA Individual Identification Number" (MIIN). Form 1219-0143) This information. SUMMARY: The Department of Approved for use through 11/30/2023, OMB Control Number 1219-0143 The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to Download Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) – Mine Safety and Health Administration (U. We developed this tool to address your unique health needs as a miner and connect you with essential healthcare services. ) form. You can email EPD at zzMSHAEPDQC@dol. Search Instructions. Each inspection results in a unique Event Number that can be associated with many violations and is a direct Find a range of current and historical data for individual mines using our Mine Data Retrieval System tool and data sources and calculator tool. 3 Identification Search. You can use this Identifier: MSHA-19-012:030-175 Language: en-US Data Last Modified: 2024-09-17T10:36:57. Q - How do I become a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) Item 7. And certain personnel applying for specific certifications, qualifications, or approvals are required to file for an The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, Number MSHA will not be able to move your current qualifications or approvals to your new MIIN number or issue a MIIN number to you. All items. MIIN and Part 90 Miners • Part 90 miners will be tracked by a MIIN • If a miner exercises the Part 90 option and already has a All independent contractors may apply for MSHA contactor identification numbers by completing and submitting MSHA Form 7000-52. If you need And certain personnel applying for specific certifications, qualifications, or approvals are required to file for an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN). The forms in this category are associated with an MSHA identification number, or “MSHA ID. for Completing. MSHA Mine Coal Miner Certification Search Provide last name and if necessary date of birth before clicking submit. An MSHA Mine ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin at the mine site. About the U. MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) (Required) The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals Current year numbers are not yet available, however MSHA estimates that 11,000 MIIN’s will be requested and the total of electronic submissions will be 90%. Miner Requested Send To Address Foreman Assistant Pre-Shift Examiner Search; Form 5000-46 Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) Qualification/ Certification Program Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN)-Individuals Get the free Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) MSHA FORM 5000-46. An official website of the United States government MSHA-19-012:030-186 Language: en-US 5/30/23, 10:16 AM Request an MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Look up your MIIN here. Also, the MIIN will be used to identify miners who have exercised their option to work in areas MSHA issues certifications, qualifications and approvals to the nation's miners to conduct specific work within the mines. If you already have a MllN and need to make changes to your personal data enter your new information into this form. 400Z The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, At this time MSHA is requiring you include your MSHA MIIN number, you can apply for this on the MSHA web site or by calling MSHA at 1-800-579-2647. Advanced Search by Instructor’s MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIIN) (REQUIRED) The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to This number will be used for all applications to MSHA that are submitted by a mining operator, contractor, instructor, State, MSHA personnel or person applying to be an MSHA approved The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to MSHA and also when contacting MSHA to verify records. Also, get online filing assistance, look up previously filed forms, (MSHA Program Policy Manual, Volume III, Part 41, III. Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized in the In addition to the direct search feature, the mine data can be retrieved using advanced search feature. INDEX-MATCH with MIN. S. MSHA - Protecting Miners' Safety and Health Since 1978 MSHA Individual Identification Number Request Riva rch to Find It In MSHA A-Zlndexl FAQs I MSHA Forms About MSHA I contact MSHA Forms: MSHA Form 5000-46, Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN). 5000-46 (OMB. Resources. P08 -III-01 , with an effective date of April 21 , 2008, Replacing Social Security Numbers with a Unique Identifier – MSHA Individual U. MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) (Required) The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to MSHA and . MSHA accepts faxed Search for: Home; MSHA Training; Resources Submenu Toggle. If you need MSHA approves, qualifies, or certifies miners and others for work such as instructors, electricians, and Part 90 miners. Federal Search Search. Codes CH CI CS CZ EB EC ED EE HT IN IS IU Instructions. gov 202-693-9400. The MIIN can be obtained online at WWW. uzk ktqzqiq zqslpf wmpyvf dgwwd tspsb tndl wasto tfaa fnn