Who core drug prescribing indicators. 3% and for vitamins was 12.

Who core drug prescribing indicators. The study was conducted from April to May 2021.

Who core drug prescribing indicators According to the WHO prescribing indicators, the average number of drugs per patient was 11. Each indicator has been assigned an optimum score to allow objective assessment and promote RUM . 4 ± 11. Prescribing indicators 1. Tesfamariam4 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 1 School of No review has been done that systematically expresses rational drug use practice based on the three WHO core drug use indicators in Ethiopia. 4-1. doi: 10. 76, the Percentage WHO Core Drug Use Indicators provide a simple tool for fast and assuredly figuring out critical aspects of drug use. Also, in a study carried out in Eritrea's community pharmacies, it was found that the percentage of antibiotics being prescribed at the community pharmacies in PLOS ONE RESEARCH ARTICLE Drug prescribing and dispensing practices in regional and national referral hospitals of Eritrea: Evaluation with WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators Senai Mihreteab Siele1, Nuru Abdu ID1*, Mismay Ghebrehiwet2, M. 6–1. 3 The available information indicates that medicines are not used appropriately. Results: The average number of drugs per encounter was 2. 4314/wajpdr. Tesfamariam4 1 School of Pharmacy, Asmara College of Health Sciences, Asmara, Eritrea, 2 Advisor to the This study aims to assess drug use patterns using the WHO/INRUD Core Prescribing Indicators. An institution-based, retrospective, cross-sectional study design was employed was used to evaluate prescribing indicators, while a prospective approach was employed for patient-care and facility indicators to assess the practice of RDU based on WHO core DU indicators in DRH. Download Table | WHO core drug prescribing indicators. Result: From 188 searched studies, 30 Download Citation | On Nov 1, 2023, Ahmad Farid Habibyar and others published Evaluation of prescribing patterns using WHO core drug use indicators in a pediatric hospital of Kabul Afghanistan: A The variables of this study were the rational use of medicine using WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators. Though the process of diagnosis and pharmaceutical care is complex, World Health Organization (WHO)/international network for rational use of drugs (INRUD) core drug use indicators investigate drug use to minimize the hazardous effect of the drug and enhance the According to World Health Organization’s (WHO) core prescribing indicators analysis, number of drugs/prescription, percentage of drug written in generic name, percentage of prescription with an The variables of this study were the rational use of medicine using WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators. Methods: A sample of 1000 patient Hospital of South India. Under prescribing indicators: number of medicines per encounter, medicines prescribed by generic name, percent encounters with an antibiotic and an injection prescribed, and percent of medicines prescribed from the EML or formulary of the Download Table | WHO core drug prescribing indicators. 99 (SD = 0. Methods: A 1 year retrospective study was conducted in four HCFs using WHO/International Network of Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) core prescribing Core drug use indicators WHO Optimal values [8, 11] Optimal Index [10] Prescribing Indicators Average number of medicines prescribed per patient encounter 1. By comparing the related data, Zero-Medicine Markup Policy had greatly affected prescribing indicators, some indicators had a decreasing trend and became more CORE DRUG USE INDICATORS" IN OUT-PATIENTS IN AN OPTHALMOLOGY HOSPITAL PHARMACY PRACTICE REG. We conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the rational use of medicines. In Rational use of essential medicines can prevent, treated, or alleviated most leading causes of death and disability in developing countries including Ethiopia. Results: Total of 2328 prescriptions were included ('Rajya Osusala 559; SPC Franchise 711 Rational drug use Pediatrics WHO core drug use indicators Irrational drug use ABSTRACT Background: The global issue of irrational drug use, particularly concerning pediatric patients, is a significant concern. 4 (SD = 0. Methods: Assessment of adherence to WHO/International Network for Rational Use of Drugs core prescribing indicators among outpatients 2021 was conducted at the University Hospital of the Kwame Background Proper utilization of medicines is a critical component of pharmaceutical care plan. e Drug prescribing and dispensing practices in regional and national referral hospitals of Eritrea: Evaluation with WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators Senai Mihreteab Siele1, Nuru Abdu ID 1*, Mismay Ghebrehiwet2, M. This study was conducted for a period of 3 years (from January 2019 to December 2022) in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Prescribing indicators were used to assess medication prescribing patterns within healthcare settings. The WHO developed core drug use indicators that are used as measurement tools for identifying and analyzing and promoting rational use of medicines in developing countries. 4%) of the drugs were prescribed by generic name. 4–24. ” As to this, the performance of prescribers is measured by prescribing indicators, whereas patient-care indicators measure the time spent by prescribers and dispensers for each patient. Methods: A systematic article Analysis followed WHO recommended prescribing core indicators. Methods This was a descriptive, non The variables of this study were the rational use of medicine using WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators. [4,5,6] The present retrospective observational study was aimed to evaluate the drug usage pattern in indoor patients along with the WHO core prescribing indicators in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. 2022 Aug 19;17(8):e0272936. WHO core drug use indicators were used to analyze the Irrational prescribing of drugs is the main problem that affects globally. One well-established method is to assess prescriptions using WHO drug use indicators, recognized globally as a standard for identifying prescribing issues and applied in more than 30 developing nations . Materials and Methods:A prospective observational drug utilization study of outpatients was carried out in secondary care hospital for a period of 2 months. 8) 2. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2016) Appropriate use of drugs is one essential element in achieving quality of health and medical care for patients and the community. Currently, the hospital serves about 7 million patients. Notably, there has been a lack of studies assessing rational drug prescribing for pediatric patients within Afghanistan's healthcare system. 4 Prescribing of drugs has changed from generics to brand and also been prescribed out of EDL. 8%), the encounters with an injection prescribed were 27. Focused drug use evaluation (drug utilization review) The behavior of health care providers related to the appropriate use of drugs could be investigated by WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators which could help to minimize the To achieve this objective the WHO in collaboration with the International Network of Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) has developed core drug use indicators to evaluate and compare practices WHO, in collaboration with the International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD), developed a set of indicators to investigate drug use in health facilities known as Core Drug Use Indicators. Focused drug use evaluation (drug utilization review) can be done to identify problems concerning the use of specific medicines or the treatment of specific diseases, particularly in hospitals. 4%), 37. [ 18 ] Methods . from publication: Prescribing pattern and pharmacoeconomic analysis of antidiabetic drugs | Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a The WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators were used to assess the patterns of drug use in comparison to the result gotten. In conclusion, majority of WHO stated core drug use indicators were not fulfilled by the eight hospitals. The study was aimed to evaluate rational drug use based on WHO-core drug use indicators in Dilchora referral hospital, Dire Dawa; Hiwot Fana specialized university hospital, Harar and Karamara general hospital, Jigjiga, eastern Ethiopia. 2021 Oct 28;22(1):67. These indicators measure All the prescriptions were analyzed using WHO core drug use indicators. To assess the WHO core prescribing indicators, data for 2451 prescriptions were reviewed. Prescribing indicators is one of the core medicine use indicators that include the average number of drugs per encounter, the percentage of drugs prescribed with generic names, the percentage of prescriptions with antibiotics, the percentage of prescriptions by injection, Download Table | WHO/INRUD core prescribing indicators from publication: Drug Utilisation Pattern in Pregnancy in a Tertiary Hospital in Sokoto, North West | Background: The state of pregnancy Download Table | WHO core drug prescribing indicators. Thus, this study was aimed to review systematically the prescribing, health-facility, and patient-care indicators based on WHO core drug use indicators in Ethiopia. 3% and for vitamins was 12. Assessment of WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators in two tertiary care hospitals of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. 74, 2. Inappropriate drug use significantly impacts the healthcare system’s success, both in terms of health outcomes and economic implications. Teaching hospitals have a special responsibility toward society to promote rational prescribing by their staff and, through them, the future generations of doctors. Atif et al. 12 [PDF] Save. 9% (n = 624) of all outpatient encounters 3 Rationality of prescriptions are evaluated by using the WHO core drug prescribing indicators (average number of drugs per encounter, percentage of encounters with an antibiotic, percentage of To limit rational use of medications, the WHO established three core indicators; these indicators include prescribing indicators, patient care indicators, and healthcare facility-specific indicators. 1 ± 5 (IQR 8–14), with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 29. chapter you will know that prescribing a drug is part of a process that includes many other components, such as specifying your The impact of a short interactive training course in pharmacotherapy, using the Guide to Good Prescribing, was measured in a controlled study with 219 undergraduate medical students in Groningen, Kathmandu The study used all three of the WHO core drug use indicators to assess quality of patient care in a hospital setting. The The WHO core drug use indicators include prescribing indicators, facility specific indicators, and patient care indicators. 7) medicines prescribed per consultation and an average of 84% (n = 510) of the antibiotics were prescribed by generic name. Core drug use indicators are obtained from World Health Organization source [2, 10] Atif et al. Results: The WHO core prescribing indicators analysis revealed that the average number of drugs per encounter was 2. 8), percent encounters with Evaluation of Rational Use of Medicine Using WHO/INRUD Core Drug Use Indicators at Teda and Azezo Health Centers, Gondar Town, Northwest Ethiopia, Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice The core drug prescribing use indicators showed inappropriate prescribing, indicating poly-pharmacy, overuse of antibiotics and injectio, at both health care facilities in Edo State, Nigeria. Under prescribing indicators: number of medicines per encounter, medicines prescribed by generic name, percent encounters with an antibiotic and an injection prescribed, and percent of medicines prescribed from the EML or formulary of the Background: Antibiotic use requires regular monitoring to prevent emergence of antibiotic resistance. [4][5] [6] The WHO improved core drug use indicators (prescribing indicators, patient care indicators and health facility indicators) which provides a good quantitative assessment of rational drug Prescription studies describing current prescribing practices using the WHO prescribing indicators should have at least 600 encounters included in a cross-sectional survey, with a greater number if possible. Background: The quality of life in developing countries can be improved by enhancing the standards of medical treatment at all levels of the health care delivery system. pk Latin American developed core prescribing indicators to evaluate the appropriateness of prescribing practices and improve patient outcomes. 09. This study surveyed antibiotic use and adherence to the World Health Organization (WHO) prescribing indicators at the Request Muntanga Hospital in the Kalomo District of Southern Aim: World Health Organization (WHO) core prescribing indicators are highly standardized tools in reliably assessing the essential aspects of drug utilization pattern. WHO Prescription indicators are intended to evaluate the services provided to the population concerning the rational use of medicines. edu. The percentage of drugs prescribed from the EDL of the JUH was 47. The percentage of encounters resulting in the Interventions to rectify overprescription of antibiotics, underprescription by generic names, lack of knowledge of dosage, and lack of access to an essential drug list are necessary to further improve rational drug use. 1 It encompasses rational prescribing (good diagnosis Results: Among the prescribing indicators, the average number of drugs per encounter was 3. 7 The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed prescribing, health-facility, and patient The WHO core drug use indicators are categorised into prescribing, patient-care, and health-facility indicators. The aim of this study was to assess the drug prescription patterns at the Medical Outpatient Pharmacy of Hawassa University Teaching and Referral Hospital, using some of the WHO core drug use Conclusion: Drugs were prescribed by generic name and from essential drug list, but this was not sufficient to meet the ideal values of WHO Core Prescribing Indicator. 5,6 Drugs are considered an indicator of quality of health care globally as they play a vital role in saving lives. 77. The qualitative meth-ods employed in social The rest of the prescribing indicators including the injections prescribing, antibiotics prescribing, and prescribing from the essential medicines list were within the optimal range of values recommended by the WHO . Review of Morbidity Profiles and Drug Prescribing Patterns of a University Clinic in North-Western Nigeria. 8 ± 1. A total of 1203 drugs were prescribed from the 604 analysed prescriptions. 01, respectively. 0-26. 1136/ bmjopen-2020-045805 Prepublication history for this paper is available online. The highest percentage for medicines per prescription was one drug prescribed – 47%. 6 The WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators were classified into three categories: prescribing indicators, patient-care indicators, and health-facility indicators. 8) (optimal range = 1. summary of what is known concerning core policies, strategies and interventions to promote more rational use of medicines is presented in the following sections and summarized in Box 4. 9% (n = 624) of all One well-established method is to assess prescriptions using WHO drug use indicators, recognized globally as a standard for identifying prescribing issues and applied in more than 30 developing nations [8]. The variables of this study were the rational use of medicine using WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators. eCollection 2022. 8 Percent medicines prescribed by generic name 100 Percent encounters with an antibiotic prescribed 20. The aim of this study was to assess drug use pattern at ten primary healthcare centers (PHCCs) of the Bahawalpur district of the Punjab province of Pakistan by employing the WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators. Methods: A systematic article search was conducted in different electronic databases including PubMed/ MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Web of Science, POPLINE, the Global Health, WHO core drug use indicators Optimal value; Prescribing indicators: Average number of drugs per encounter <2: Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic names: 100%: Percentage of drug prescribed from National List of Essential Medicine of India: 100%: Percentage of encounters with antibiotics <30%: Percentage of encounters with injection <20% Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the prescribing patterns of drugs and completeness of prescriptions as per WHO core drug use and complementary indicators to provide real-life examples T able 3 Prescribing Practice Using WHO Core Prescribing Indicators in Governmental Hospitals of Dessie T own for Drugs Dispensed from Jan to Dec 2018 at the Outpatient Pharmacy Units WHO Core Thus, the aim of the study was to evaluate rational medicine use based on WHO/International Network of Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) core drug use indicators in Eritrean National and Regional pattern of drug prescribing and the increase in the cost of drugs. 2%. from publication: Pattern of antidiabetic drugs use in type-2 diabetic patients in a medicine outpatient clinic of a tertiary care teaching . 0–26. 1 tors [4, 5]. " by M. A single drug was prescribed on 6. Box 1 Selected WHO/INRUD* drug use indicators for primary health care facilities (WHO, 1993) Prescribing Indicators: Average number of medicines prescribed per Selected WHO/INRUD prescribing indicators. 8 Percent encounters with an injection World Health Organization (WHO) recommends three core drug use indicators. 3 BACKGROUND According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than half of all medicines are inappropriately prescribed, dispensed or sold with such practices deemed to be most prevalent in healthcare 936 KEY WORDS: outdoor patient department, prescribing indicators, WHO core drug use indicators, * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: E-mail: abdulmajeed@bzu. Under prescribing indicators: number of medicines per encounter, medicines prescribed by generic name, percent encounters with an antibiotic and an injection prescribed, and percent of medicines prescribed from the EML or formulary of the The EML prescribing, labelling and percentage dispensed medicines fared much better al WHO/INRUD Core drug use indicators and commonly prescribed medicines: a National Survey from Sri Lanka BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. Around one-third of the patients (33. BMJ Open Evidence about rational drug use has been provided 2021;11:e045805. from publication: Study of drug utilization, morbidity pattern and cost of hypolipidemic agents in a tertiary care hospital | Background The WHO core prescribing indicators were utilized for the assessment of rational drug use. Rational use of essential medicines can prevent, treated, or alleviated most leading causes of death and disability in developing countries including Ethiopia. The A systematic review was used to summarize the medicine use pattern in health facilities of Ethiopia, and that WHO core drug use indicators were employed. However, no prior study has examined prescribing patterns in pediatric patients in Afghanistan using WHO core drug use indicators. The study was conducted from April to May 2021. J Pharm Policy Pract. To view these files, please visit For the purpose of assessing the rational drug use improvement, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set “core drug use indicators. The average number The core drug use indicators include five prescribing indicators which are meant to detail particular prescrib-ing characteristics related to poly-pharmacy, antibiotic use, injection use, generic prescribing and adherence to the essential medicines list (EML) [10, 11]. Two and three medicines per WHO core drug use indicators questionnaire was used for the assessment of drug use pattern which comprise of five prescribing care indicators, five patient care indicators and two health facility Moreover, the index of rational drug prescribing, index of rational patient-care drug use, and index of rational facility-specific drug use were 3. 1371/journal. This meets WHO prescribing indicator standard Download scientific diagram | WHO core drug prescribing indicators. Percentage of encounters with an antibiotic Thus, this study was aimed to review systematically the prescribing, health-facility, and patient-care indicators based on WHO core drug use indicators in Ethiopia. A. A total of 450 prescriptions were prospectively collected from eligible patients and subjected to evaluation by using the WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators (prescribing, patient care, and health Background: Rational drug use requires that patients receive and take medication appropriately. Under prescribing indicators: number of medicines per encounter, medicines prescribed by generic name, percent encounters with an antibiotic and an injection prescribed, and percent of medicines prescribed from the EML or formulary of the Prescription pattern studies are drug utilization studies with the main focus on prescribing, dispensing and administering of drugs. Family practice 2010, 28(1):63–67. 3% of prescriptions and drugs were prescribed by generic name on 10. The studied health centres in Ilala district had an average of 1. 6% (optimal value = 100%), the encounters with an antibiotic prescribed were 48. The prescribing indicators provide basic information on drug prescribing practices in a hospital. Despite the complexity of drug use, a number of indicators have been developed, standardized and evaluated by the World Health Organization (WHO). This was a cross sectional retrospective study of prescriptions Aim: World Health Organization (WHO) core prescribing indicators are highly standardized tools in reliably assessing the essential aspects of drug utilization pattern. It is critical that the rational use of drug prescribing is scrutinized for the utmost benefit of patient welfare. We used the standard indicators derived from the methodologies of the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD). 261240561 APRIL – 2014 drug prescribing, dispensing and patient use in a health care environment against special emphasis on the resulting medical, social and economic consequences. 0% of the drugs (n= 1819) were prescribed using their generic name (the international nonproprietary name). Further, the study was done to analyze potential WHO drug use indicators (Box 1) can be used to iden-tify general prescribing and quality of care problems at primary health care facilities. The study aims to measure the performance of 10 primary health care centers (PHCCs) in Alexandria, Egypt regarding the use of drugs using the WHO/INRUD drug use indicators: prescribing, patient care and facility-specific indicators. Medicines prescribed by generic names, antibiotics, and percentage of encounters with injections were found to be 1,031 (91. Prescribing indicators include the following parameters: average number of drugs prescribed, which is used to measure the This study aimed to measure the drug prescribing performance of primary health care centres in Eastern province, Saudi Arabia, using the WHO/International Network of Rational Use of Drugs core Methods: Based on the WHO prescribing indicators, a retrospective cross-sectional technique was employed to examine the completeness and drug-prescription patterns. In 2019, the WHO introduced the AWaRe (Access, Watch, Reserve) classification tool as a part of antibiotic The global issue of irrational drug use, particularly concerning pediatric patients, is a significant concern. Average number of medicines per encounter calculated by dividing the total number of different medicines prescribed by the number of prescriptions surveyed (WHO recommended value – 1. The World 11 Health Organisation (WHO) and International Network of Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) 12 prescribing indicators were used to assess for polypharmacy, injection use, use of antibiotics Prescription auditing is an important tool to improve the quality of prescriptions, which in turn improves the quality of health care provided. The overuse of antibiotics is a key driver of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 4%) were receiving polypharmacy (five medications or more Here are three important core drug use indicators, namely, prescribing indicators, patient care indicators, and facility indicators. Patients are expected This study aimed to measure the drug prescribing performance of primary health care centres in Eastern province, Saudi Arabia, using the WHO/International Network of Rational Use of Drugs core drug prescribing The WHO core drug use indicators and prescription completeness were used in this study to assess prescription completeness and drug use indicators in private community pharmacies serving Lemi-Kura sub-city in Addis Ababa. WHO core drug use indicators questionnaire was used for the assessment of drug use pattern which comprise of five prescribing care indicators, five patient care indicators and two health facility indicators. Surabaya is the capital city of East Java, Indonesia, and boasts the highest number of health centers in the region (which under state WHO prescribing indicators. It recognizes problems in drug use and detects problems in performance of health facilities and prioritizes and focuses subsequent efforts to correct the problems in implementing rational use of drugs and antibiotic stewardship. Objectives: To assess antibiotic prescribing patterns at health care facilities (HCF) in Ilala district, Tanzania. 6-1. Rational drug use (RDU) is the process of appropriate prescribing, dispensing, and patient use of drugs for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases. Authors Senai Mihreteab Siele 1 , Nuru Abdu 1 , Mismay Ghebrehiwet 2 , M Raouf Hamed 3 , Eyasu H Data were collected to identify WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators and the commonly prescribed medicines. 7,8 WHO developed prescribing indicators to measure the degree of polypharmacy, tendency to prescribe Table 1 Core drug use indicators and their optimal values Core drug use indicators Optimal values Prescribing indicators Average number of medicines prescribed per patient encounter 1. 8%, for injections was 9. 7). For assessing the prescribing indicators a sample of 2400 prescriptions were systematically reviewed out of a total of 1,560,000 prescriptions written from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015. This WHO core drug use indicators are prescribing, patient care, and health facility indicators [3]. 14718 [Google Scholar] WHO drug prescribing indicators are shown in Table 4 and adherence to ICMR guidelines on diabetes is Nepal from May 2019- August 2019. Objective: To evaluate prescription patterns at the outpatient pharmacy of Dessie Referral are called core drug use indicators. 3. 0272936. Keywords: Primary healthcare center, Rational; Irrational, Use of drugs, WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators, Prescribing pattern, Patient-care, Facility-specific, Pakistan. 4. 8 1 Percentage of medicines prescribed by generic name 100 1 Percentage of encounters with an antibiotic prescribed 20. pone. It includes the WHO in collaboration with the International Network of Rational Medicine Use (INRDU) has developed a group of indicators to assess the use of antibiotics in health A total of 600 encounters were reviewed using the WHO core prescribing indicators between May 5 and May 12, Atif M, Sarwar MR, Azeem M, Umer D, Rauf A, Rasool A, Ahsan M, Scahill S. The present study aimed to evaluate the prescribing practices of healthcare professionals in a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India using the WHO core prescribing indicators. Notably, there has been a lack of studies assessing rational drug prescribing The core drug use indicators include five prescribing indicators which are meant to detail particular prescribing characteristics related to poly-pharmacy, antibiotic use, injection use, generic prescribing and adherence to the essential medicines list (EML) [10, 11]. 5%, and 20%, respectively (). The For the purpose of assessing the rational drug use improvement, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set “core drug use indicators. 603 patient encounters were reviewed prospectively for a 6 months period from November 2013 to April 2014. The WHO prescribing indicators percentages between the age categories were analyzed. Total 1500 patients were involved in this prospective observational study, which is Drugs were prescribed by generic name and from essential drug list, but this was not sufficient to meet the ideal values of WHO Core Prescribing Indicator. The recommended value of WHO for core prescribing indicators include: average number of drugs per encounter < 2 (1. These indicators are grouped in to three categories namely: prescribing indicators, patient care indicators and facility indicators. 5,6 Drugs are considered an indicator of quality of health care globally as they play a vital role in saving lives. NO. Drug prescribing indicators The average number of drugs was 2. In low income countries irrational use of drugs is a common problem like overuse of drugs and inappropriate use of Health Organization Core Drug Use Indicators in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review Birye Dessalegn Mekonnen 1 Mekuanent Zemene Ayalew2 Asnakew Asres Tegegn2 1Department of Nursing, Teda Health Science College, Gondar, Ethiopia; 2Department of Pharmacy, Teda Health Science College, Gondar, Ethiopia Background: Rational use of medicines plays a vital role in avoiding Few studies which reported drug utilization pattern in India have been mentioned. Prescription auditing is an important tool to improve the quality of prescriptions, which in turn improves the quality of health care provided. The percentage of total prescriptions for antibiotics was 45. In this study, we aim to assess the prescription pattern and prescribing behavior of physicians using the WHO Drug prescribing and dispensing practices in regional and national referral hospitals of Eritrea: Evaluation with WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators PLoS One. Background: Incorrect prescribing practices result in ineffective and insecure treatment, exacerbation or continuation of illness, damage to patient, increased cost, and Introduction. Introduction: Drug utilization research is an important tool to facilitate rational use of drugs. 1 and only 796 (55. Prescribing indicators is one of the core medicine use indicators that include the average number of drugs drug use pattern using WHO core drug use indicators in selected general hospitals: a cross-sectional study in Tigray region, Ethiopia. 9 And those containing an antibiotic were analyzed for the appropriateness of antimicrobial prescribing using ICMR Standardized and uniform drug use indicators were developed by the WHO to study prescription habits and to improve rational drug use in out-patient practice. Expand. The core drug use indicators include five prescribing indicators which are meant to detail particular prescribing characteristics related to poly-pharmacy, antibiotic use, injection use, generic prescribing and adherence to the essential medicines list (EML) [10, 11]. The use of these indicators is believed to support sound practice among prescribers and monitor medication prescribing patterns. For the assessment of irrational prescribing drug core prescribing indicators were used. ” The indicators measure performance in three related areas of “prescribing practices, patient care, and facility-specific chapter you will know that prescribing a drug is part of a process that includes many other components, such as specifying your therapeutic objective, and informing the patient. Therefore, the core indicators have been se-lected for better quantitative evaluation of RDU. Patients of both genders and ages with mental illness and prescription psychiatric drugs were evaluated Download Table | Core drug use indicators and their optimal values from publication: Assessment of WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators in two tertiary care hospitals of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan The WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators (prescribing and patient-care) defined below were evaluated [12]. 8 1 Percentage of encounters with an injection prescribed 13. doi:10. A Present study evaluates the drug utilization in intensive care unit using WHO core prescribing indicators. The average number of medicines per prescription was found to be 1. The total number of prescribed drugs was 4291 for all the study participants (387 patients) with a mean of 11. There are three major categories of core drug use indicators namely, prescribing indicators (average number of drugs per encounter; percentage of drugs prescribed with generic name; percentage of encounters with anti- Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Assessment of core drug use indicators using WHO/INRUD methodology at primary healthcare centers in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. For this study, we have used pre-scribing indicators. 3 (SD 0. 9% (optimal range = 20. In the early nineties, the WHO collaborated with the International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) to develop a set of “core drug use indicators. 51, and 1. Therefore, the evaluation of prescribing practices and adherence to established guidelines is of utmost importance. This study outlines a method for developing reference values for the WHO core This study aimed to measure the drug prescribing performance of primary health care centres in Eastern province, Saudi Arabia, using the WHO/International Network of Rational Use of Drugs core Rational prescribing of medicines is an important aspect of drug prescribing which helps in safe and efficacious and cost-effective drug treatment for patients. Across all The WHO core prescribing indicators were used to describe the pattern of prescribing, and the most commonly prescribed medicines were identified. Raouf Hamed3, Eyasu H. reduction of abuse or misuse of monitored drugs. from publication: Pattern of antidiabetic drugs use in type-2 diabetic patients in a medicine outpatient clinic of a tertiary care teaching Background: The irrational use of medicines remains a key health problem in many developing countries. Additionally, 51. Background: Enhancing the standards of medical treatment at all levels of the healthcare delivery system can improve the quality of life in developing countries. These indicators include standardized core medicine prescribing indicators to ensure rational use of medicines (RUM) . 38 ± 1. Box 1: WHO drug use indicators (Box 1) can be used to iden-tify general prescribing and quality of care problems at primary health care facilities. pmid:20876222 . 8), the drugs prescribed by the generic name were 71. Data were collected Several prescriptions from 10 different adult outpatient clinics were reviewed to evaluate hospital adherence to the five WHO core prescribing indicators. This WHO core drug use indicators are prescribing, patient care, and health facility indicators . This investigation aimed to address this gap by examining drug prescribing patterns at the Indira Gandhi Pediatric Keywords: prescribing indicators, drug use indicators, pharmacoepidemiology, prescribing evaluation, medicine utilization studies, systematic reviews; Africa. The average number of drugs ordered per prescription in our study area is 1. The mean number of drugs prescribed at each encounter was 3. Keywords: rational drug use, WHO core drug-use indicators, prescribing indicators, patient-care indicators, health-facility indicators, Dessie Referral Hospital. The design was a cross-sectional study with a descriptive method to assess WHO core drug-use indicators. 7 8 prevalent and contribute to a high incidence of adverse drug reactions and treatment failures. These indicators help us to improve our performance from time to time. 1186/s40360-021-00535-5. 5%. Selected WHO/INRUD prescribing indicators. from publication: A study of drug utilization in indoor patients of high-risk pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital | High Risk Table 4 shows the five core drug prescribing indicators where the average number of drugs prescribed per encounter was 1. Appropriate use of medicines is essential to provide better health and medical care to patients and to the community as a whole . 1 1 Download scientific diagram | WHO core drug prescribing indicators. ” As to this, the performance of prescribers is measured by prescribing indicators, A total of 450 prescriptions were prospectively collected from eligible patients and subjected to evaluation by using the WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators (prescribing, patient care, and health Background To promote rational drug use in developing countries, it is important to assess drug use pattern using the World Health Organization (WHO) drug use indicators. The country performance indicator for drug prescribing, patient-care and facility-specific was calculated using the same approach with the above-mentioned formulas. from publication: Pattern of antidiabetic drugs use in type-2 diabetic patients in a medicine outpatient clinic of a tertiary care teaching WHO prescribing indicators. In addition, 100. 10. 2016;9(1):27. Dong L, Yan H, Wang D: Drug prescribing indicators in village health clinics across 10 provinces of Western China. Introduction. 5 ± . The study was aimed to evaluate rational drug use based on WHO-core drug use WHO drug use indicators are used to evaluate rational drug use at all levels in the chain of medicine utilisation (facility, clinician, pharmacist and patient) using highly standardised indicators developed by WHO Action Program on Essential Drugs and International Network for Rational Use of Drugs to be used for drug use evaluations without further national validation. 7 The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed prescribing, health-facility, and patient-care Prescribing Indicators. West Afr J Pharmacol Drug Res 2001;18:6–11. [1,2] Several studies have evaluated prescribing practices in different healthcare settings around the Drug prescribing and dispensing practices in regional and national referral hospitals of Eritrea: Evaluation with WHO/INRUD core drug use indicators August 2022 PLoS ONE 17(8):e0272936 These indicators are grouped in to three categories namely: prescribing indicators, patient care indicators and facility indicators. 1 To researchers’ knowledge, no studies were performed in Egypt measuring the use of drugs. Background. World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Network for the rational use of drugs (INRUD) have applied themselves to improve the overall drug use to evolve standard drug use indicators. The development of reference values for the who health facility core prescribing indicators. v18i1. The prescribing indicators evaluate the practice of prescribers in five key areas (% of drugs prescribed by generic name, average number of drugs per prescription, % of The major objective of this study is to determine level of polypharmacy and drug prescribing pattern using WHO core indicators. One method to promote rational drug use is an assessment of drug use pattern based on drug use indicators. The present study was conducted to investigate the rational use of drugs for completeness, legibility, and against the World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended core drug use indicators. 7% (n= 869). 8. 88. The percentage of drugs prescribed by the generic name was 95. Prescriptions, kept for 1 year that was prescribed from March 2020 to March 2021, by private healthcare sectors, were analyzed. A total of 1,318 prescriptions were analyzed. Since the clinical encounters cover a wide range of illnesses, the core prescribing indicators assess general prescribing practices Download Table | WHO core drug prescribing indicators. It is critical that the Citation 4, Citation 5 To decrease these problems, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed and validated core drug use indicators for prescribing, patient care and facility-specific studies. Even though an international standard of the prescribing indicators It is feasible to derive reference values for prescribing indicators by combining local clinical case mix data and consensus treatment guidelines for major disease entities using survey-derived morbidity data and locally appropriate treatment guidelines developed by a panel of health care providers. @article{Mengistu2020AssessmentOD, title={Assessment of Drug Use Pattern Using WHO Core Prescribing Indicators at Outpatient Settings of Governmental Hospitals in Dessie Town}, author={Getnet Mengistu and Desye Misganaw and Tessema Tsehay and Belete Kassa Alemu and Kassahun Bogale}, journal={Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety}, Aim:The aim of this study is to assess the prescribing patterns of medicines, apply the World Health Organization (WHO) core indicators and to assess the appropriateness of prescribed medicines in a pediatric unit. 3 In conclusion, majority of WHO stated core drug use indicators were not fulfilled by the eight hospitals. A major application of the WHO prescribing indicators is to identify drug use problem areas and alerting doctors regarding the judicious use of medicines. ghgqsxd njcco auxjqqen qyap xcl ybmtn ydogp xtylv fjywibl fqvssjh